E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 87 Stephen is one of the most prominent jewellery designers of his generation. With a career spanning four decades, the legendary jewellery artist continues to break the rules of fine jewellery with designs that are intelligent, thought-provoking and visionary. His keen eye for detail, commitment to ethical production and respect for traditional British craftsmanship and goldsmithing have earned him numerous accolades, including an honorary Master of Arts degree from the University of Creative Arts in 2007. In 2013, HRH The Prince of Wales presented Stephen with an MBE for his services to the British jewellery industry. He was named Jewellery Designer of the Year at the 13th annual GEM Awards in 2015 and won the Couture Design Award for “Best in Innovation” in 2018. Stephen also has the distinction of winning the inaugural Grosvenor Sustainability Award in 2021, and the Mayfair Times “Friend of the Earth” Award in January 2023. Stephen recently partnered with T Galleria by DFS to showcase a curated selection of his best-selling fine jewellery collections, including the iconic Fly By Night and the darkly romantic Thorn Embrace. These are available at the House of Jewels, T Galleria by DFS at Four Seasons hotel in Macau. Stephen是同輩中最矚目的珠寶設計師之一。在40年的職涯中,這位珠寶藝術家一直以 聰明睿智、發人深省、高瞻遠矚的設計,打破高級珠寶的常規。他對細節的敏銳眼光,對 道德製造的堅持,以及對英國傳統工藝和金匠技術的尊重,為他贏得了無數榮譽:他在 2007年獲創作藝術大學頒發榮譽文學碩士學位;2013年獲威爾斯親王頒授大英帝國員 佐勳章(MBE),表彰他對英國珠寶業的貢獻;在2015年第13屆GEM Awards中榮獲「年度 珠寶設計師」獎;2018年獲得Couture Design Award「最佳創新」獎;2021年獲得第一屆 Grosvenor Sustainability Award可持續發展大獎;並於2023年1月獲頒Mayfair Times 「地球之友」獎。 Stephen最近與T Galleria by DFS合作,呈獻Fly By Night和Thorn Embrace等暢銷高級 珠寶系列。這些珠寶傑作在澳門四季酒店T Galleria by DFS的House of Jewels有售。 STEPHEN WEBSTER, MBE Founder & Creative Director, Stephen Webster London Stephen Webster London 創辦人兼創意總監