E40 Anniversary Book 2023

80 | Informa Markets Jewellery Sean graduated as a mining engineer and worked as a project financier for Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and London specialising in independent power projects and public/ private partnerships. He co-founded globalCOAL in 1998 (a company that played a central role in the commoditisation of the thermal coal industry) and the pioneering Spectron eMetals trading platform for members of the London Metals Exchange in 2000. He led the acquisition of the Kagem emerald mine in Zambia in 2007. Today, he is CEO of Gemfields and Executive Chairman of Fabergé, having served on their boards since 2008 and 2007, respectively. A fervent Afrophile, he delights in explaining how Africa has become the world’s No.1 exporter of both emeralds and rubies during the last decade, and how the respective host countries are seeing more money from their resources remain “in country” than ever. Sean is passionate about conservation and actively promotes #conservationgemstones to further the contribution made by the sale of African emeralds and rubies to communities and wildlife in conservation areas in Africa. Sean擁有採礦工程學位,並曾於法蘭克福和倫敦的德意志銀行負責獨立電力和公私營 合作項目。他於1998年共同創立了globalCOAL——一家在動力煤行業商品化過程中發揮 關鍵作用的公司,並於2000年為倫敦金屬交易所成員開創Spectron eMetals交易平台 。 2007年,他領導贊比亞Kagem(卡棋穆)祖母綠礦收購項目,並分別於2008年和2007年加 入Gemfields和Fabergé的董事會,現為Gemfields行政總裁和Fabergé執行主席。 他酷愛非洲,孜孜不倦地推廣非洲如何在過去十年成為世界第一大祖母綠和紅寶石 出口地,以及這些國家怎樣把更多的資源留在國內。他亦熱衷於推廣自然保育,致力透 過#conservationgemstones,令非洲祖母綠和紅寶石的出口為當地社區和野生保育作出 更大的貢獻。 SEAN GILBERTSON CEO, Gemfields Gemfields 行政總裁