E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 79 Savjibhai is a notable Indian diamond tycoon, philanthropist, motivational speaker and thought leader. He is the Founder and Chairman of Hari Krishna Exports Pvt Ltd, a leading global diamond manufacturer and exporter based in Surat, India with offices in Mumbai, Hong Kong, Botswana, New York, Dubai and Antwerp. With a mission to impact millions of lives, Savjibhai founded Hari Krishna Charitable Trust in 1996, now known as the Dholakia Foundation. To date, the foundation has impacted more than 1 million lives across India, planted 2.5 million trees, implemented 50+ CSR initiatives and developed 125 lakes that store more than 8 billion litres of water benefiting 75+ villages in India. Because of his significant and immense contribution to the diamond and jewellery industry, society and the environment, Savjibhai was honoured by the Government of India in 2022 with the Padma Shri Award, the fourth-highest civilian award in the country. Through his life’s journey, Savjibhai continues to be an inspiration to millions of people across the globe. 知名印度鑽石商、慈善家、演說家和思想領袖Savjibhai,是Hari Krishna Exports Pvt Ltd 的創始人兼董事長。該公司為全球領先的鑽石製造商和出口商,總部位於印度蘇拉特, 在孟買、香港、博茨瓦納、紐約、杜拜和安特衛普設有辦事處。Savjibhai於1996年創立Hari Krishna慈善信託基金(現稱Dholakia Foundation),其使命是為數百萬人的生活帶來正面 影響。至今,基金會已為印度各地超過100萬人的生活帶來益處,種植了250萬棵樹,實施 了超過50個企業社會責任計劃,並開發了125個湖泊,儲存超過80億升水,惠及印度逾75 個村莊。他於2022年獲印度政府授予Padma Shri Award獎——該國第四高平民榮譽,以 表揚他對鑽石和珠寶行業、社會和環境的巨大貢獻。Savjibhai為全球數百萬人帶來啟發, 無遠弗屆! SAVJI DHOLAKIA Founder, Dholakia Foundation 創始人 Founder and Chairman, Hari Krishna Exports Pvt Ltd 創始人兼主席