E40 Anniversary Book 2023

72 | Informa Markets Jewellery Raphael has been instrumental in the growth of the House of Gübelin, a highly respected name in the jewellery industry with roots dating back to 1854. As the sixth-generation leader, Raphael ensures that Gübelin stays true to its founding principles of authenticity, expertise and inspiration, guided by the pioneering spirit the Swiss family-owned firm is known for. Under his direction, the House has expanded its services, with the Gübelin Gem Lab, Gübelin Academy and Gübelin Jewellery leading the way. He launched Provenance Proof, which uses Physical Tracers to document the journey of a gem, and the Provenance Proof Blockchain, the world’s first digital ledger for tracking coloured gemstones. This showcases Raphael’s commitment to transparency and sustainability in the industry, further cementing Gübelin’s position as a leader. The Gübelin Gem Lab celebrates its 100th anniversary this year and has introduced Gemtelligence, a groundbreaking technology that employs artificial intelligence to enhance gemstone analysis. 瑞士家族企業古寶琳的歷史可追溯至1854年,在珠寶業内備受尊崇,而Raphael在企業 的發展中功不可沒。身為第六代傳人,Raphael堅守家族世世代代所秉持的原則:真誠、才 能和啟迪,還有古寶琳引以為傲的開拓精神。他帶領企業擴展服務,包括古寶琳寶石鑒定 所、古寶琳寶石學院和古寶琳珠寶。他推出了使用Physical Tracers記錄寶石旅程的「原產 地證明」,以及全球第一個追蹤彩寶的數碼項目「原產地證明區塊鏈」。這些舉措凸顯了他 對珠寶業透明度和可持續性的堅持,進一步鞏固了古寶琳的領導地位。古寶琳寶石鑒定 所今年慶祝成立100週年,並推出了Gemtelligence這項採用人工智能來優化寶石分析的 突破性技術。 RAPHAEL GÜBELIN President, House of Gübelin 古寶琳總裁