68 | Informa Markets Jewellery Armed with a pioneering spirit, Prida was instrumental in modernising Thailand’s jewellery and gemstone trade. His progressive mindset paved the way for various milestones not only in his company but in the entire industry. In fact, Pranda Group, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, is a renowned frontrunner in ethical business methods, brand building and technological advancements. According to Prida, Pranda’s operations are guided by a three-pronged approach that highlights people, responsible sourcing and sustainability. “We value our craftsmen and aim to improve their work-life balance to inspire creativity. Also, Thailand is a global coloured gemstone hub and as such, we have direct access to raw materials. We follow strict guidelines to protect human rights and the environment. Lastly, we are sustainable development leaders, being the first company in Thailand to join the United Nations Global Compact,” Prida shared. He added, “Our people lie at the heart of our success. My greatest achievement is instilling pride in our craftsmen for their world-class creations that showcase Thailand’s capabilities.” Prida發揮開拓創新的精神,推動泰國珠寶和寶石行業邁向現代化。他不斷精益求精,為 其公司以至整個行業積極鋪路,樹立多項重大的里程碑。今年正值Pranda Group成立50週 年,該企業在道德營商、品牌建設和技術進步方面,也一直穩踞先驅地位。 根據Prida所言,Pranda的運營遵循三管齊下的方針,著重以人為本、責任採購和可持 續發展三方面。他分享:「本公司對珠寶工匠非常重視,並希望改善他們工作與生活之間 的平衡,從而激發其創意思維。此外,我們位於泰國這個環球彩寶中心,因此可以直接取 得原材料,並嚴格遵循人權和環境方面的標準。我們更是第一家加入聯合國全球契約組 織的泰國公司,是可持續發展的領導者。」 他補充:「員工是本公司的成功關鍵。工匠們的世界級作品得到外界賞識,除了證明泰 國珠寶行業的能力,更令他們深感自豪,這是我個人最大的成就。」 PRIDA TIASUWAN Founding Chairman, Pranda Jewelry Public Company Limited Pranda Jewelry Public Company Limited 創始主席