Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 5 This book project holds a special place in our hearts because it is much more than a mere compilation of stories. It is a heartfelt tribute to the exceptional individuals who have made a profound impact on the world of jewellery. What better way to celebrate two milestones in our industry – the 40th edition of the world’s biggest jewellery show, Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW), and the 40th anniversary of our flagship jewellery trade publication, JNA – than by honouring those who have made outstanding contributions to our community? Their stories reflect our own journey and are a testament to our collective history and trajectory. Presented by the Jewellery World Awards (JWA), the Extraordinary 40 Awards pays homage to trailblazers, innovators, educators and creatives who embody the spirit of resilience and determination that defines our industry. They have demonstrated that incredible possibilities abound when passion, talent and hard work come together. Congratulations to JWA’s Extraordinary 40 and to all those who are shaping the future of the jewellery world. May your dedication inspire us to strive for greatness every day! 出版這本紀念冊對我們有重大的意義。它不僅匯集了多個非凡的故事,更重要的是 向珠寶業傑出人士表達由衷的敬意,彰顯他們為行業帶來的深遠影響。今年,我們迎 來了兩大里程碑——全球最大型珠寶展「環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會」(簡 稱JGW) 踏入第40屆,以及旗艦珠寶雜誌《JNA亚洲珠宝》創刊40週年。在這珍貴的時 刻,還有甚麼比向行業的佼佼者致以崇高敬意更為合適呢?他們的傳奇故事,反映了 行業的發展進程,也是我們的集體回憶與歷史見證。 「非凡40」由JWA大獎隆重呈獻,旨在向珠寶行業的開拓者、革新者、教育專家和 創意大師致敬。在他們身上,我們可以看到珠寶業的韌性和決心。他們印證了一個信 念:當熱情、才華和努力融合在一起,定能產生令人難以置信的結果! 衷心祝賀JWA「非凡40」大獎各得獎者,同時感謝一眾菁英業者,為塑造珠寶業未 來所付出的心力。願大家的努力成為彼此的鼓勵,推動行業欣欣向榮! David Bondi 龐大為 Senior Vice President Informa Markets in Asia 亞洲區高級副總裁 FOREWORD 序言