E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 63 Nicolas made his debut with the Richemont Group in 1992, when he joined the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art. In 2000, he joined Van Cleef & Arpels, which had just been acquired by Richemont. He became the High Jewelry Maison’s Creative and Marketing Director. In 2009, he was appointed Vice President of Van Cleef & Arpels and, a year later, he was also appointed President of Van Cleef & Arpels Americas. In January 2013, Nicolas became President and CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels. Under his leadership, the Maison upholds the tradition of excellence, creativity and transmission, which has contributed to its reputation worldwide throughout exhibitions and L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts, supported by Van Cleef & Arpels. Since 2013, L’ÉCOLE has organised travelling editions of jewellery arts courses across different cities and in 2019, opened its first overseas campus at K11 MUSEA in Hong Kong’s art and design district on the iconic Tsim Sha Tsui harbourfront. Two new campuses are set to open in Shanghai and Dubai later this year. “We aim to provide access to the world of jewellery to the widest audience possible. Our world shouldn’t intimidate or turn anyone away,” Nicolas shared. In less than four years, L’ÉCOLE’s Hong Kong campus has launched over 30 courses and kids workshops, opened six free exhibitions and welcomed over 35,000 visitors. Nicolas於1992年加入卡地亞當代藝術基金會,並在歷峰集團正式履新。2000年,他加入 了剛被歷峰集團收購的Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅寶,任職該高級珠寶世家的創意及市場 總監。在2009年,他被任命為Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅寶的副總裁,並於一年後兼任世家 的美洲區總裁一職。 在2013年1月,Nicolas正式成為Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅寶全球總裁暨首席執行官。 在他的領導下,世家繼續秉持其享譽國際的傳統,矢志追求卓越、發揮創意和承傳珠寶工 藝,並將世家傳統透過展覽及支持創立L’ÉCOLE珠寶藝術學院進一步弘揚。自2013年起 L’ÉCOLE遠赴世界各地多個城市開辦珠寶藝術課程,在2019年於香港K11 MUSEA開設了 首個法國以外校舍,現時亦正在積極籌備即將開幕的上海及杜拜分校。他分享:「我們旨 在讓普羅大眾有機會接觸珠寶世界,我們身在的世界不應讓人感到壓迫或拒人於門外。」 L’ÉCOLE的香港分校開幕不足4年,已推出逾30個課程及兒童工作坊、舉辦過6次免費展 覽、學生及訪客人數超過35,000名。 NICOLAS BOS President and CEO, Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅寶全球總裁暨首席執行官