E40 Anniversary Book 2023

60 | Informa Markets Jewellery Navrattan took over the reins of the family business in 1962. Under his visionary leadership, KGK Group flourished into a global industry powerhouse. “Continuous business expansion across multiple geographies has been a strategic move that has allowed us to establish ourselves as a truly global enterprise,” said Navrattan. “Today, the group has a robust presence in over 15 countries, which has helped us diversify our product offerings and strengthen our supply chain.” KGK’s patriarch also transformed the group into a vertically integrated minesto-brands enterprise, granting it complete control over its product quality and client commitments. According to Navrattan, establishing a strong, skilled and empowered team while earning the trust and loyalty of customers have been pivotal to KGK Group’s transformation into a leading industry conglomerate. “We are also pioneers in technological advancement and innovation, which has enabled us stay ahead of the curve in meeting the evolving needs of our customers,” he added. Navrattan於1962年執掌家族企業。在他富有遠見卓識的領導下,KGK集團蓬勃發展,成 為全球珠寶行業的巨頭。他說:「在多個地區持續擴展業務是一項戰略舉措,使我們發展 成一家真正全球性的企業。如今,集團在超過15個國家業務繁盛,助力產品多樣化,強化 供應鏈。」 在這位KGK掌門人的帶領下,集團已成為從礦山到品牌的垂直整合企業,使其能夠完 全管控產品品質和實踐客戶承諾。據Navrattan介紹,建立一個強大、精進、賦能的團隊, 同時贏得客戶的信任和忠誠,這對KGK集團轉變為行業領先的企業集團是至關重要的。 他補充:「我們也是技術進步和創新的先鋒,這使我們在滿足客戶不斷變化的需求方面保 持領先地位。」 NAVRATTAN KOTHARI Chairman, KGK Group KGK Group 主席