E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 59 Jade expert, gemmologist and mineralogist Mimi Ou Yang’s profound impact on the Hong Kong jewellery industry and the jade trade is indisputable. By establishing the Hong Kong Gems Laboratory and HK Institute of Gemmology, she strengthened the foundation of the city’s jewellery industry, ensuring the professionalism, knowledge and expertise of its practitioners who, in turn, nurtured market interest in gems and jewellery. Her accomplishments also include defining and officialising the terminology “Fei Cui Jade,” which significantly improved the market’s understanding of a gemstone prized for its distinct beauty, rarity and cultural significance, and the jadeite trade’s reputation among consumers. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Mimi witnessed Hong Kong’s growth as a trading and processing centre for jade, but noticed a lack of up-to-date knowledge about the gemstone. In addition, there was a lack of transparency regarding artificial treatments in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Inspired to professionalise the trade, she proposed nomenclature and identification methods for jade treatments, among other initiatives. 翡翠專家、寶石學家和礦物學家歐陽秋眉教授,對香港地區的珠寶業和翡翠貿易帶來非 常深遠的影響。歐陽教授一手創立香港寶石鑒定所和香港珠寶學院,藉以鞏固香港珠寶 行業的基礎,除了確保業者的專業水準、知識和技能,也積極培養市場對寶石和珠寶的興 趣。她的主要成就還包括清晰定義「翡翠」這個專門術語,令市場更透徹了解這種獨特、珍 貴而文化意義深長的美玉,以及提升翡翠行業在消費者心目中的聲譽。 在1970年代末至80年代初,歐陽教授留意到香港地區已蓬勃發展成玉石貿易和加工 中心,但專門知識匱乏,行業水準相對落後。再者,在80年代末至90年代初,香港地區的 玉石行業在加工處理方面也欠缺透明度。這促使她明確界定翡翠及厘定各種人工處理方 式,以提升行業的專業水準。 PROFESSOR MIMI OU YANG 歐陽秋眉教授 Founder, Hong Kong Gems Laboratory and HK Institute of Gemmology 香港寶石鑑定所及香港珠寶學院創始人