E40 Anniversary Book 2023

56 | Informa Markets Jewellery In many ways, Lin Qiang revolutionised the trade of diamonds in China. One of the founders of the SDE, the only official platform for the import and export of diamonds in China, he started working towards its establishment in 1997 and has been its president since its official launch in October 2000. Throughout his tenure, Lin has devoted himself to reforming China’s diamond tax and management policies according to international regulations and standards, and achieving market integration. Surmounting several challenges, he successfully aligned the country’s domestic diamond market with the global diamond trade, creating an inclusive, business-friendly platform for diamond trading in China under a favourable tax policy. Today, SDE is one of the major diamond bourses in the world. Lin sees great value in an international dialogue of culture and ideas. In 2018, he became Vice President of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and was re-elected to the post in 2020. 林強在許多方面徹底改變了中國的鑽石貿易。身為創始人之一,他於1997年開始籌備成 立上海鑽石交易所(SDE),並自2000年10月正式成立以來一直擔任其總裁一職。至今SDE 是中國唯一的官方鑽石進出口平台。 在任期間,他銳意按照國際法規和標準,改革中國的鑽石稅收和管理政策,以及實現 市場一體化。 雖然面對重重挑戰,但在有利的稅制下,他成功對接中國鑽石市場和全球鑽石貿易, 為國內的鑽石貿易創造了一個具有包容性和商業友好的平台。今天,SDE已發展為環球 主要的鑽石交易所之一。 林強深明與國際交流文化和思想的價值。2018年,他成為世界鑽石交易所聯合會 (WFDB)副主席,並于2020年再次當選該職位。 LIN QIANG 林强 President, Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE) 上海鑽石交易所總裁