E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 51 Lawrence, CEO of Lee Heng Diamond Group and founding President of DFHK, is recognised for his business acuity and forward-looking mindset. He helped to reframe the fine jewellery narrative by making diamond jewellery trendier and more accessible to a larger market. Alongside his brother Max, he established MaBelle Jewellery in 1993 to democratise luxury by offering stylish and competitively priced diamond jewellery. Over the years, MaBelle has delivered on the “diamond dream” among a broad range of consumers. According to Lawrence, having an open mind and being receptive to unconventional ideas are indispensable characteristics of an effective leader. His influence goes beyond MaBelle. He was instrumental in the merger of the Diamond Importers Association and the Hong Kong Diamond Bourse, where he simultaneously served as chairman and vice chairman, respectively, and the establishment of DFHK in 2000. At the DFHK, Lawrence brought structure and integrity to the city’s diamond industry and formulated operating rules and regulations for its retailer-members. The federation helped bolster Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s diamond and jewellery trading centre. 利興鑽石集團的行政總裁、香港鑽石總會(DFHK)創會會長馬墉宜,以其敏銳的商業觸覺 和前瞻性思維而備受讚譽。他重塑了珠寶的形象讓鑽飾變得更時尚,並推廣至更廣闊的 市場。在1993年,他與兄長馬墉傑一起創立了MaBelle Jewellery,通過提供時尚且具有 價格競爭力的鑽石首飾,讓一向被視為奢侈品的鑽飾更普及化。多年來,MaBelle為一眾 消費者實現了「鑽石夢」。 馬墉宜說,擁有開放的心態且願意接受新思想,是成功的領導不可或缺的特質。 他的影響力遠遠超越了在MaBelle的成就。他曾身兼香港鑽石入口商會主席和香港鑽 石會副主席,並促成了這兩大商會在2000年合併,成為香港鑽石總會。 在DFHK,馬墉宜為香港的鑽石業建立行業架構和操守,並為其零售商會員制定了運 營規則,大大鞏固了香港作為亞洲鑽石和珠寶貿易中心的地位。 LAWRENCE MA 馬墉宜 Founding President, Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China (DFHK) 香港鑽石總會創會會長