E40 Anniversary Book 2023

48 | Informa Markets Jewellery Kent’s rise to legendary status in Hong Kong’s jewellery industry began when he joined Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group in 1977. Through his passion, determination and dedication to excellence, he rose through the ranks and was appointed Managing Director of the Group in 2011. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing the Group’s overall corporate management, strategy and operations. Dedicated to giving back to the community and the industry through his participation in various industry bodies and non-profit organisations, Kent has received numerous accolades, including the highest honour at the JNA Awards 2020 (now known as the Jewellery World Awards) – the “Lifetime Achievement Award.” He was the recipient of the Director of The Year Award in 2015 by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors. The Institutional Investor’s 2023 All-Asia Executive Team Rankings awarded him the top ranking for “Best CEO” in the Consumer/ Discretionary sector in Asia (excluding Mainland China) in the Consumer/Discretionary sector, combined vote type. Additionally, he was named “Asia’s Best CEO” in the 13th Asian Excellence Award 2023 by Corporate Governance Asia, an authoritative regional journal on corporate governance. 黃紹基於1977年加入周大福珠寶集團,自此在香港珠寶界嶄露頭角,逐步奠定其業界傳 奇的崇高地位。他憑藉對工作的熱誠、決心和追求卓越的堅持,在事業上屢創高峰,並於 2011年獲任命為周大福珠寶集團的董事總經理,負責集團整體企業管理、策略和營運。 他致力透過服務多個業界組織和非牟利機構,積極回饋社會和行業,多年來他獲獎無數。 當中包括在2020年JNA大獎(現稱Jewellery World Awards)中獲頒發「終身成就獎」的最 高榮譽;於2015年榮獲香港董事學會頒發「年度傑出董事獎」;並於Institutional Investor 2023年度All-Asia Executive Team排行榜亞洲其他地區(除中國大陸)–非必需消費品類別 的綜合評選中,獲評為「最佳行政總裁」第一名。此外,在權威區域企業管治刊物《亞洲企 業管治》主辦的「第十三屆亞洲卓越企業大獎2023」中,他榮獲「亞洲最佳行政總裁」大獎。 KENT WONG SIU-KEE 黃紹基 Managing Director, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group 周大福珠寶集團董事總經理 Chairman, The Jewellers’ and Goldsmiths’ Association of Hong Kong Limited 香港珠寶首飾業商會主席