E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 47 Johnny’s journey in the world of pearls began in 1980, when he opened his first 100-square-foot jewellery boutique in Hong Kong. Three years later, he founded Rio Pearl. Fuelled by his love for pearls, Johnny founded the Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong (TPAHK) with the support of the Ministry of Perleculture of French Polynesia and leading pearl wholesalers. Shortly thereafter, he led a delegation from French Polynesia, headed by the Pearl Minister, on a multi-city business tour in China. The year 2010 marked a turning point for his business when Johnny began producing South Sea pearls in the Mergui Archipelago. Four years later, Rio Pearl held its first South Sea pearl auction in Hong Kong, which grew from a quarterly event to seven auctions per year. Leveraging his expertise in the pearl auction market, Johnny collaborated with the Shenzhen Jewelry Bonded Service and Trade Platform to create the first large-scale Pearl Auction in Mainland China. Today, the platform is the biggest pearl importer into Mainland China, with 150 top buyers as members. 鄭廷偉於1980年在香港開設第一家面積100平方呎的珠寶店,從此踏進了光彩迷人的珍 珠世界。三年後,他創立了麗雅珠行(Rio Pearl)。出於對珍珠的熱愛,他在法屬波利尼西亞 的珍珠部和主要珍珠批發商的支持下,成立了香港大溪地黑珍珠協會。此後不久,他率領 以珍珠部長為首的法屬波利尼西亞代表團,在中國多個城市進行商務考察。 2010年是他業務的轉捩點:他開始在丹老群島生產南洋珠。四年後,麗雅珠行在香港 舉辦了首場南洋珠拍賣會,並從季度活動發展為每年七次拍賣會。憑着他在珍珠拍賣市 場的豐富知識,他與深圳珠寶保稅服務貿易平台合作,創辦了中國内地第一場大型珍珠 拍賣會。如今,該平台是中國内地最大的珍珠進口商,會員包括150名頂級買家。 JOHNNY CHENG 鄭廷偉 Founder and Co-President, Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong (TPAHK) 香港大溪地黑珍珠協會創始人兼聯席會長 Chairman, Rio Pearl 麗雅珠行董事長