E40 Anniversary Book 2023

44 | Informa Markets Jewellery Johannes has successfully steered the gemstone and mineral sector to new heights throughout the decades. A man of extraordinary vision, he established The Munich Show (Mineralientage München) in 1963, which has since become one of the most relevant sourcing and networking events for dealers and collectors of gems, minerals and fossils, among others. The Munich Show also helped create the mineral market in Europe, noted Johannes. He explained, “We followed our passion without predetermined business goals. Yet, the show has grown bigger and more significant with each edition. I am deeply grateful for this.” At the time, there were no shows or blueprints to follow, he continued, adding that the Munich Show was set up from scratch as an innovative concept in an untapped market. Today, the show has a strong international following, with over 1,300 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors pre-pandemic. Johannes has since handed over management of the Munich Show to his son, Christoph. 數十年來,Johannes成功將寶石和礦物行業推向了新的高度。這位極富遠見的先驅者, 在1963年創辦了德國慕尼黑礦物寶石展,現在已成為深受寶石、礦物和化石商人和收藏 家重視的採購和交流盛會。 他指出,慕尼黑礦物寶石展還有助創建歐洲的礦物珍品市場。他解釋說:「我們單純地 跟隨熱忱而行,沒有預先規劃商業目標。看到每一屆展會不斷壯大,我實在深感榮幸。」 他又指出,當時沒有其他展會或藍圖可供參考,一切都是由零開始,憑借創新理念開 拓新市場。時至今天,慕尼黑礦物寶石展在國際間廣受歡迎,疫情前共有超過1,300家參 展商和40,000名訪客參與。自此之後,Johannes便將展會交給兒子Christoph管理。 JOHANNES KEILMANN Founder, The Munich Show (Mineralientage München) 德國慕尼克礦物寶石展創辦人