E40 Anniversary Book 2023

40 | Informa Markets Jewellery Gaetano has served for the past 20 years as president of CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation. Uniting national jewellery and gemstone associations from more than 40 countries and including many of the industry’s major corporations and international associations, CIBJO is the industry’s oldest international organisation, having been established in 1926. It covers the entire jewellery, gemstone and precious metals sectors from mine to marketplace, within each of the component sectors in the various production, manufacturing and trading centres. In 2006, Gaetano was responsible for CIBJO receiving a “Special Consultative Status” with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), making it the first and only jewellery and gemstone representative to be officially recognised by the international body. Gaetano在過去20年一直擔任CIBJO的主席。CIBJO聯合了來自40多個國家和地區的珠 寶和寶石協會,其中包括許多業内主要企業和國際協會。CIBJO於1926年成立,是業界歷 史最悠久的國際組織,橫跨從礦山到市場的整個珠寶、寶石和貴金屬行業,涵蓋多個生 產、製造和貿易樞紐的不同範疇。 在2006年,Gaetano帶領CIBJO取得聯合國經濟及社會理事會的「特别諮商地位」,使 其成為第一個,也是唯一一個獲得該國際組織正式認可的珠寶和寶石機構。 GAETANO CAVALIERI President, CIBJO (The World Jewellery Confederation) 國際珠寶首飾聯合會 (CIBJO) 主席