E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 39 Emil is a leading figure in Türkiye’s diamond jewellery industry and the visionary founder of Zen Diamond. Under his guidance, Zen Diamond has emerged as a global industry player, producing and selling an impressive 40,000 pieces of jewellery every month. The company’s pioneering television advertising campaign, which ran uninterrupted for 365 days, was a first in Türkiye’s jewellery sector and significantly boosted local demand for diamond jewellery. Moreover, its innovative designs have inspired other companies to expand their market share. Thanks to Emil’s foresight, Zen Diamond’s remarkable success has helped raise Türkiye’s global profile, with the company being ranked as the country’s top diamond jewellery exporter for three consecutive years (2020 to 2022) according to the reports of the Jewellery Exporters’ Association. Founded in 2000, Zen Diamond is also largely credited for developing and expanding the diamond jewellery market in Türkiye, which had previously been a predominantly gold jewellery manufacturing centre. Through its efforts, the country was increasingly recognised for its diamond jewellery production capabilities, resulting in more orders too for smaller manufacturers. Zen Diamond創始人Emil是土耳其鑽石首飾行業的領軍人物。在他英明的領導下,Zen Diamond發展為一家環球企業,每月生產和銷售的珠寶多達4萬件。該公司推出了全年 365天無間斷播放的電視廣告計劃,開創了土耳其珠寶業的先河,大大提高了當地對鑽飾 的需求。此外,Zen Diamond的創新設計,激發了其他公司擴大市場份額。 Emil的遠見卓識讓公司取得了空前成功,同時還提升了土耳其的國際地位。據土耳其 珠寶出口商協會的報告,該公司連續三年(2020至2022年)被評為該國最大的鑽石首飾出 口商。 Zen Diamond於2000年成立,在開發和擴展土耳其的鑽石首飾市場方面廣受贊譽,而 該國從前主要是製造金飾。Zen Diamond不懈的努力,讓土耳其鑽石首飾生產能力獲得 更廣泛的認可,規模較小的製造商也能接到更多訂單。 EMIL GÜZELIŞ President, Zen Diamond Zen Diamond 總裁