E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 35 Dong Liusheng has played a significant role in shaping China’s diamond industry, a feat which has earned him the title, “King of Diamonds.” Back in the 1990s, he found the local diamond industry to be lacking in standards, structure and knowledge, and was determined to bring international levels of quality and production to the market. This led him to establish Kimberlite Diamond in 1995, which helped spark China’s diamond jewellery culture. Liusheng has spent almost 30 years improving China’s diamond jewellery manufacturing capabilities through his best practices at Kimberlite Diamond. He achieved this by integrating diamond manufacturing and retail processes, raising public awareness of and demand for diamonds and establishing diamonds as wedding essentials. His passion for Eastern cultural elements is reflected in the design philosophy of the Kimberlite Diamond brand. The jeweller’s collections interpret these motifs, which have become synonymous with the brand, alongside exceptional craftsmanship and first-rate quality. 董留生被稱為「鑽石之王」實在當之無愧,他在塑造中國的鑽石業方面擔當了舉足輕重的 角色。早在20世紀90年代,他留意到中國內地鑽石業缺乏完善的標準體系、架構與對鑽石 的認知,並決心提升鑽石的品質和生產至國際水平。因此,他在1995年創立了上海金伯利 鑽石,以在中國推廣鑽石首飾文化。 近30年來,董留生和其子董搏一直通過在上海金伯利鑽石實施的最佳實踐,來提升中 國製造鑽石首飾的能力。這些措施包括有效地整合鑽石製造和零售,培養公眾對鑽石的 認知和渴求,以及讓鑽石成為婚嫁消費的剛需。 他對東方文化美學元素的熱情反映在該品牌的設計理念中。上海金伯利鑽石一直不 遺餘力地在其首飾系列中詮釋這些主題。該品牌以精湛的工藝、卓越的品質及東方文化 元素而享有盛譽。 DONG LIUSHENG 董留生 Founder and Chairman, Kimberlite Diamond 上海金伯利鑽石集團有限公司創始人及董事長