E40 Anniversary Book 2023

28 | Informa Markets Jewellery Damien is arguably one of the world’s leading experts for all things opal. Director of Cody Opal Australia, he has been instrumental in professionalising the opal industry and bringing the gemstone to global prominence. Alongside his late brother Andrew, he co-authored the book, The Opal Story, which was published in five languages. The book has sold over 60,000 copies worldwide, making it a concise opal reference suitable for both the trade and consumers, as well as a valuable resource for retailers. In 2018, his company produced a limited release of Opal Master Sets, each containing 213 opal specimens showcasing various opal localities, types, qualities and treatments. The sets were designed to aid in the identification, classification and grading of opals, and were highly sought after by gemmological institutes, laboratories, valuers and other industry bodies. Another noteworthy accomplishment was his 2003 Opal and the Dinosaurs travelling exhibition, which was displayed at the GIA campus in California for an entire year. Damien堪稱世界首屈一指的澳寶專家。作為出口公司Cody Opal Australia的董事,他一直 大力推動澳寶行業專業化,將該寶石推向世界舞臺。 他與已故的兄長Andrew合著了《澳寶故事》一書,並以五種語言出版,全球銷量超過 60,000本。這本簡明易讀的澳寶參考書,適合行內人士和消費者閱讀,對零售商來說也相 當實用。 其公司在2018年限量發行「澳寶大師」套裝,每套包含213個澳寶樣本,詳列澳寶的不 同產地、類型、特點和處理方式。這些套裝旨在協助進行澳寶的鑒定、分類和分級工作,備 受各大寶石研究院、鑒定所、估價師和其他行業機構推崇。他的另一項難忘壯舉就是籌劃 2003年的「澳寶與恐龍」巡迴展覽,在美國寶石研究院(GIA)的加州校區展出了整整一年。 DAMIEN CODY Director, Cody Opal Australia 董事 President, International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) 國際有色寶石協會主席