E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 19 2015 The Jewellery & Gem Directory 2016 – Southeast Asia edition was introduced in November. The English-only directory listed manufacturers and retailers from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. 《Jewellery & Gem Directory 2016》的東南亞版於 11月推出。這本英文版名錄介紹了來自印尼、馬來 西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和泰國的製造商和零售商。 2013 For its 30th anniversary, Jewellery News Asia officially changed its name to JNA, a brand synonymous with decades of groundbreaking journalism. It also adopted a new cover format from June 2013, replacing its longtime news-story front page with jewellery images. 在創刊30週年之際,《Jewellery News Asia》正式更名為 《JNA》,這個品牌在數十年來以提供突破性新聞而知 名。自2013年6月起採用了新的封面設計,以珠寶圖片取 代了新聞頭版形式。 2012 The JNA Awards was formed to celebrate excellence in the gem and jewellery industry, particularly in Asia. The inaugural gala dinner and award ceremony took place on 20 September 2012 at the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong. Attracting high-calibre entries and hosting the Who’s Who of the industry at its gala event, the prestigious awards programme soon became known as the Oscars of the gem and jewellery world. It has since been rebranded as the Jewellery World Awards (JWA). 舉辦JNA大獎,其設立是為了表揚珠寶及寶石業界的卓越 表現,特別是在亞洲。年度晚宴及頒獎典禮於2012年9月 20日在香港麗思卡爾頓酒店舉行。這個享負盛名的獎項 吸引了高素質的參賽者,並在其盛大的活動上表彰為國際 珠寶及寶石業界作出深遠貢獻及帶來積極影響的企業和 個人,這大獎很快就 成為了寶石和珠寶界 的奧斯卡。及後它蛻 變為Jewellery World Awards (JWA)。 2022 JNA evolved into an integrated multimedia content platform dedicated to delivering the most incisive and relevant industry news and information in print and digital formats. Members of Informa Markets Jewellery’s one-stop portal JewelleryNet gained exclusive access to the digital versions of JNA’s publications, online news and trade resources. 《JNA亚洲珠宝》發展成為一個綜合多媒體內容平台,致力以 印刷和數碼形式提供最精闢和相關的行業新聞資訊。Informa Markets珠寶一站式平台JewelleryNet的注冊用戶,可以閱覽 JNA電子版刊物、行業新聞和商貿資源。 2023 JNA turns 40 with a host of new print, digital and programming offerings. Apart from growing its stable of authoritative print titles, JNA is unveiling online exclusives, trend reports and customised features, among others, as it renews its commitment to deliver the news and insights that gem and jewellery players need to grow their business. JNA邁進40週年,推出了一系列新的印刷品、數 碼內容,以及特備節目。除了繼續發展其權威刊 物,《JNA亚洲珠宝》還推出了線上獨家報道、趨 勢報告和訂製專題報道等,以重申其承諾——提 供寶石和珠寶企業發展業務所需的新聞和洞見。 2020 To fulfil its mandate as the industry’s jewellery media partner during the pandemic, JNA strengthened its digital offerings by engaging the trade with JNA Conversations webinars and JNA Trade Talk interviews, among other initiatives. 在疫情期間,為了履行其作為珠寶行業媒體合作夥伴的承諾, 《JNA亚洲珠宝》通過「JNA翹楚對話」網絡研討會和JNA Trade Talk訪談等活動,加強其數碼產品及服務。