E40 Anniversary Book 2023

16 | Informa Markets Jewellery JNA at 40: Trade journalism for the jewellery industry JNA 40週年:為珠寶行業提供優質內容 Jewellery News Asia published its first issue in 1983 at a time when information was scarce and the Asian jewellery and gem trade was in its infancy. Founded by Publisher Letitia Chow and Editor-in-Chief Peter Brindisi, Asia’s first jewellery trade magazine blazed a trail in the gem and jewellery world with a fresh proposition – a focus on Asia and the industry forces affecting business in the region while offering an international perspective to a global audience. Over the years, the publication established itself as an authoritative resource on matters in Asia, growing its coverage, portfolio and influence with a front-row seat to – and, at times, an active role in – the growth and development of the industry. Along the way, it officially became JNA, a print and digital media brand synonymous with responsible and professional trade journalism. Here are some of the milestones in its 40 years as the jewellery industry’s trusted media partner. 《Jewellery News Asia》創刊號於1983年誕生,由出版人周美麗和主編Peter Brindisi創辦。當 年信息匱乏,亞洲珠寶貿易處於起步階段。作為亞洲首本珠寶貿易雜誌,編輯團隊另闢蹊徑,為寶石 及珠寶世界提供了獨到的觀點,聚焦關注亞洲和影響該地區業務的行業力量,同時拓闊環球業者的 國際視野。 時光荏苒,這刊物已成為亞洲事務的權威信息資源,隨着其影響力持續增長,覆蓋範圍和產品組 合亦不斷擴展,站在行業發展的前沿,有時還積極參與其中。一路走來,《JNA亚洲珠宝》的地位正 式確立,成為一個知名的印刷和數碼媒體品牌,以具責任感和提供專業行業新聞資訊而享有盛譽。 《JNA亚洲珠宝》是珠寶行業值得信賴的媒體合作夥伴,以下是它在過去40多年所奠下的里程碑。