E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 13 2012 The fair hosted the first JNA Awards, an annual awards programme that recognises and celebrates excellence and innovation in the jewellery and gemstone industry, with a focus on the Asian region. It was renamed the Jewellery World Awards (JWA) in 2021 to reflect its expanded global reach. 展會同期舉辦首屆JNA大獎。這年度獎項計劃旨在表彰 珠寶和寶石行業的卓越成就和創造力,並聚焦於亞洲地 區。該獎項於2021年更名為「JWA大獎」(Jewellery World Awards),以反映其全球影響力,無遠弗屆。 The Fine Design Pavilion (FDP) in the Grand Hall of the HKCEC and the Fine Gem Pavilion (FGP) at the AWE were standout highlights of the show and continue to do so to this day. 設於香港會議展覽中心大會堂的「珠寶精品館」, 和位於亞洲國際博覽館的「寶石精品館」,一直都 是展會的焦點。 The International Premier Pavilion (IPP) was introduced, showcasing some of the world’s high-end jewellery brands. 「國際藝粹館」矚目登場,展出全球知名的高級珠 寶品牌。 The Hong Kong Premier Pavilion was launched. It was rebranded to CORE in 2017, showcasing the strengths of Hong Kong jewellers in the areas of original design, brand development and product manufacturing. 「香港藝粹館」誕生,並於2017年更名為「CORE 展館」。這個展覽館展示了香港珠寶商在原創設 計、品牌發展和產品製造等領域的優勢。 2021 A special-edition in-person September Fair, which provided opportunities for trade professionals and jewellery lovers to participate, was staged. This innovative approach aimed to generate additional cross-market opportunities and onsite sales for exhibitors, while also renewing consumers’ excitement for jewellery shopping as Hong Kong and the world rose and adapted to the new reality of the pandemic. The fairs were complemented by a B2B digital component to allow trade buyers from anywhere in the world to establish new business connections online. JGW特別展為珠寶業買家和珠寶愛好者提供現場購買珠寶 的機會。這個創新的形式旨在為參展商創造更多的跨市場 機遇、促成現場交易。同時,隨着香港和全球的新常態出現, 展會亦有助重燃消費者 對購買珠寶的熱情。 線上展與實體展同期舉 行,相輔相成,讓世界各 地的珠寶業買家能夠在 線上與供應商建立業務 聯繫。 2023 JGW celebrates its 40th edition, a significant milestone in its history, and returns to its original format in Hong Kong for the first time since the global health crisis began. JGW慶祝創辦40週年,不但是其發展歷程中的一個重要里程碑, 更是自全球疫情爆發以來,首次在香港以一貫的模式舉行。 2022 JGW “relocated” to Singapore (JGW Singapore), marking the first time in the show’s nearly four-decade history that it was held outside of Hong Kong. By relocating to Singapore, JGW offered greater flexibility to those who were clamouring for the in-person show experience, while also attracting a wider pool of attendees from across the region and beyond. JGW暫時「移師」至新加坡,是展會近 40年歷史上首次在香港以外的地區舉 行。JGW通過這個安排,為渴望參與展 會的業者提供更大的靈活性,同時也 吸引了鄰近地區的新買家到場,親身 體驗展會氣氛。