E40 Anniversary Book 2023

12 | Informa Markets Jewellery 2009 The year brought about another name change from CMP Asia to UBM Asia. 亞洲博聞的英文名稱由CMP Asia改為「UBM Asia」。 The show was rebranded as the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair. With its innovative “One Fair, Two Venues” product sectorisation strategy, the B2B event rose to become the world’s largest jewellery fair. To accommodate its growing size and popularity, the fair expanded to two venues: the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) and the AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE). 展會更名為「九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會」;憑藉其創新的「一展兩 地」產品分類策略,讓這個商貿活動一躍成為全球最大型的珠寶展 覽會。隨着展會的規模日漸壯大,其受歡迎程度也愈來愈高,展會 擴充至兩個場地舉行——香港會議展覽中心和亞洲國際博覽館。 2006 The September Fair introduced the groundbreaking “One Fair, Two Venues” concept, following the completion of the AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE). Despite facing initial resistance from industry associations, the fair’s innovative product sectorisation initiative was ultimately embraced by the jewellery community. Through meaningful dialogue and a shared vision of nurturing a dynamic jewellery marketplace, an agreement was reached to launch the concept after a three-year period. 亞洲國際博覽館落成後,九月展引入了開 創性的「一展兩地」模式。儘管初時面臨著 行業協會的壓力,但展會的創新展品分類 措施最終得到了珠寶業界的認可。通過有 意義的對話與攜手建立充滿活力的珠寶 商貿平台的共同願景,雙方達成協議並在 三年後正式推出這個展覽模式。 2019 UBM Asia underwent a rebranding and successfully transitioned to Informa Markets following its acquisition. 亞洲博聞進行品牌重塑,被收購 後正式更名為「英富曼會展」。 2020 This will always be remembered as the year that changed the world. The fair, which underwent a rebranding and became Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW) months before the COVID-19 outbreak, pivoted to an online format in response to the pandemic that forced billions of people to be locked inside their homes for months. Jewellery & Gem Digital World went live from 27 to 29 October. 這將被銘記為改變世界的一年!展會在 2019冠狀病毒病爆發前的數個月進行了 品牌重塑,並更名為「環球盛事 | 九月香 港珠寶首飾展覽會」(簡稱JGW)。為應對 這場迫使數十億人口連月被困於家中的 疫情,展會轉以網上形式舉行——「環球 珠寶首飾線上展」於10月27至29日面世。 2018 Super Typhoon Mangkhut made history by forcing the closure of the September Fair for a day, marking the first such occurrence in its history. Additionally, the JNA Awards gala dinner was postponed by a day due to the typhoon’s impact. Mangkhut was one of at least three super typhoons that significantly affected the show over the past four decades. 超強颱風「山竹」襲港,導致展覽會自創辦以來首次停 辦一天。颱風還迫使JNA大獎頒獎晚宴推遲一天。「山 竹」是過去四十年來,對這場展覽會產生重大影響的 至少三場超級颱風之一。