E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 11 1998 The iconic Fine Design Pavilion (FDP) made its grand debut. Moreover, we initiated sustainability efforts with a specific focus on refreshing FDP booth designs once every three years. This strategy not only minimises wastage but also promotes the reuse of materials, aligning our efforts with a more eco-friendly approach. 標誌性的「珠寶精品館」(FDP)首次亮相。此外,我 們致力於可持續發展,每三年才更新FDP的展位設 計一次。這項舉措不僅可以最大限度地減少浪費, 還可以促進材料的重複使用,讓我們的目標與更 環保的理念保持一致。 Robert Wan Tahiti held its first pearl auction at the fair. The sale was a significant milestone since it contributed to the expansion of the market for Tahitian pearls in Asia. Robert Wan Tahiti在展會上首次舉辦珍珠拍賣會。 這次活動是該品牌的一個重要里程碑,有助擴展 大溪地珠在亞洲的市場。 2001 The name Miller Freeman gave way to CMP Asia through a rebranding process. Miller Freeman品牌重塑,易名為亞洲博聞。 1983 Headway Trade Fairs Ltd launched the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. The inaugural show had 110 exhibitors and drew about 700 visitors. 精英國際展覽有限公司於尖沙咀一間酒 店內舉行第一屆「九月香港珠寶鐘錶展 覽會」,現場雲集110家參展商,共吸引 約700名買家蒞臨參觀。 1995 Following the acquisition of Headway Trade Fairs Ltd, the corporate brand seamlessly transitioned to Miller Freeman. 在收購「精英國際展覽有限公司」後,公司品 牌順利過度予Miller Freeman。 1994 The show hosted the Paspaley Pearl Auction. Its resounding success established Hong Kong as a premier global trading hub for the pearl industry. The event also paved the way for future pearl auctions to be held in the city. 展會舉辦了Paspaley珍珠拍賣會。這個活動的空前成功,使香港成為 珍珠行業的主要貿易中心,還為未來在這行的珍珠拍賣鋪平了道路。 1989 The exhibition relocated from its former venues, consisting of four hotels, to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), which opened in November 1988. 展會從原先舉行的四間酒店會 址,遷往1988年11月啟用的香港 會議展覽中心。