10 | Informa Markets Jewellery JGW at 40: Powering the future of jewellery JGW 40週年:推動珠寶行業邁步向前 Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW) began as a small trade show with only 110 exhibitors and 700 buyers four decades ago. Today, it has grown into the world’s largest jewellery fair, attracting visitors from over 130 countries and regions and boasting a 33-fold increase in exhibitor numbers. However, JGW’s impact extends beyond its impressive size. It has become a source of inspiration, exploration and discovery, offering a seven-day window into the global jewellery industry – right here in Hong Kong. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the moments, milestones and celebrations that have marked JGW’s incredible 40-year history. Join us on this journey of reminiscence as we look back on the fair’s past and all that has contributed to its success. 環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會(簡稱JGW)於40年前創辦,最初只有110家參展商與700名買 家,是一個小型商貿展覽會。如今,它已發展成為全球最大型的珠寶盛會,吸引來自130多個國家和 地區的買家蒞臨參觀,參展商的數目亦增加了33倍。然而,JGW的影響力不僅在於客觀的規模;展 會更是靈感、探索和發現新事物的泉源,為環球珠寶業界提供了七天洽商交流的機會。拓展業務,就 在香港! JGW 40週年,記載着許多令人難忘的的歷史時刻、里程碑和慶祝活動;當中的身影,都為展會的 過去貢獻良多,攜手創下了一個又一個令人引以為傲的旅程!回顧過去,展望未來,就讓我們一起見 證這一段段既美好又艱辛的回憶!