E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 103 Adam Cheung Sunny Chan Roxane Poon Evan Chow Marketing & Communications 市場傳訊 Hong Kong Sales Team 香港銷售團隊 Zoey Ma Cammy Tang Alvia Kwong Ken Chan Calis Ho Bonnie Law Austen Au-Yeung Alan Cheung Monica Kwok We are celebrating our amazing colleagues who power our team forward and, through their collective efforts, create marketplaces that serve our community and contribute to the industry’s success. Please join us in acknowledging their achievements in this special tribute section. 我們優秀的團隊成員不斷向前,上下一心,竭力為珠寶業界打造理想的商貿平台,推動行業昌盛發展。在這個特別時 刻,讓我們向堅持不懈、努力耕耘的每一位同事,致以由衷的敬意! Ronny Pang Beti Liu Marie Feliciano Kitman Chan Regine Lau Chris Ng Bonnie Chan – US美國