E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 99 Japan’s pearl trade owes much of its success in the international scene to the leadership and guidance of Yoshihiro, who chaired the Japan Pearl Exporters’ Association (JPEA) from 2004 to 2022. The CEO of Hosei helped propel the Japan pearl brand to the forefront of the global jewellery market through marketing campaigns at its most powerful platform – the Japan Pearl Pavilion at international jewellery trade fairs in Hong Kong. Yoshihiro had already earned numerous accolades before assuming leadership of JPEA. He received a Chevalier Medal from President Gaston Flosse of Tahiti in July 2003, in recognition of his substantial investment in and international promotions of Tahitian black pearls since 1978. He was also the first South Sea pearl trader to lead the association. Prior to his term, only Japanese Akoya pearl dealers had held the post. As Chairman, Yoshihiro led JPEA in establishing the Japan Pearl Pavilion at Hong Kong jewellery trade fairs, now one of JPEA’s primary business channels. 日本珍珠行業在國際舞台上取得斐然成就,清水勝央的英明領導功不可抹。他在2004年 至2022年期間擔任日本真珠輸出組合(JPEA)理事長一職。身為株式會社鵬清的行政總 裁,他將香港國際珠寶展之日本珍珠館打造成最強大的行銷平台,持續將日本珍珠品牌 推向全球珠寶市場的前沿。清水在2004年上任JPEA理事長時,已經取得多項榮譽。其中 大溪地總統Gaston Flosse在2003年7月向他頒授騎士勳章,以表揚他自1978年以來對大 溪地黑珍珠的付出和國際推廣工作。在2004年,他亦成為JPEA第一位從事南洋珠貿易的 理事長。在他上任之前,該會的領導者均為日本Akoya珍珠的經銷商。他帶領JPEA在香港 地區舉辦的珠寶商貿展覽會上設立日本珍珠館,並推展成JPEA的主要業務管道之一,向 買家推廣日本珍珠品牌。 YOSHIHIRO SHIMIZU 清水勝央 CEO, Hosei 株式會社鵬清行政總裁 Former Chairman, Japan Pearl Exporters’ Association (JPEA) 日本真珠輸出組合前理事長