E40 Anniversary Book 2023

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years

2 | Informa Markets Jewellery Table of Contents 目錄 Foreword 序言 5 Tribute 致敬 7 JGW at 40: Powering the future of jewellery 10 – 13 JGW 40週年:推動珠寶行業邁步向前 Honouring our loyal exhibitors 14 – 15 向我們的忠實展商致以崇高敬意! JNA at 40: Trade journalism for the jewellery industry 16 – 19 JNA 40週年︰為珠寶行業提供優質內容 Extraordinary 40 Awardees 「非凡40」大獎得獎名單 Ahmed Bin Sulayem 22 – 23 Cao Thi Ngoc Dung 24 – 25 Clement Sabbagh 26 – 27 Damien Cody 28 – 29 David Block 30 – 31 Baron Dilip Mehta 32 – 33 Dong Liusheng 董留生 34 – 35 Elliot Tannenbaum 36 – 37 Emil Güzeliş 38 – 39 Gaetano Cavalieri 40 – 41 Jacques Branellec 42 – 43 Johannes Keilmann 44 – 45 Johnny Cheng 鄭廷偉 46 – 47 Kent Wong Siu-Kee 黃紹基 48 – 49

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 3 Lawrence Ma 馬墉宜 50 – 51 Letitia Chow Mei Lai 周美麗 52 – 53 Liao Chuangbin 廖創賓 54 – 55 Lin Qiang 林強 56 – 57 Mimi Ou Yang 歐陽秋眉 58 – 59 Navrattan Kothari 60 – 61 Nicolas Bos 62 – 63 Nirmal Bardiya 64 – 65 Paolo Passuello 66 – 67 Prida Tiasuwan 68 – 69 Ramesh Virani 70 – 71 Raphael Gübelin 72 – 73 Richard W. Hughes 74 – 75 Robert Wan 溫惠仁 76 – 77 Savji Dholakia 78 – 79 Sean Gilbertson 80 – 81 Stéphane Fischler 82 – 83 Stephen Lussier 84 – 85 Stephen Webster, MBE 86 – 87 Susan Jacques 88 – 89 Victor Tuzlukov 90 – 91 Vipul Shah 92 – 93 Wong Tat Wah 黃達華 94 – 95 Yoram Dvash 96 – 97 Yoshihiro Shimizu 清水勝央 98 – 99 Zhan Weijian 詹偉建 100 – 101 A tribute to our colleagues at Informa Markets Jewellery 102 – 107 向Informa Markets Jewellery全體同仁致意

4 | Informa Markets Jewellery Cover, Page 9: Large negative crystal cut through on the surface of an untreated ruby from Madagascar. Its appearance makes for an imposing presence. Photographer: E. Billie Hughes 封面及第9頁:一顆產自馬達加斯加的未經處理紅寶石,表面含有巨型負晶包裹體,營造出磅礴氣勢。 攝影師 :E. Billie Hughes Ruby image © Lotus Gemology Co Ltd / www.LotusGemology.com 紅寶石圖片 © 由Lotus Gemology Co Ltd版權所有 Project Manager 特刊專案經理 Marie Feliciano 梅慧蓮 Advertising 廣告部 Christine Sinn 冼蕙珠 Production 製作部 Eva Kam 甘銘靈 Jennifer So 蘇麗娟 President & CEO – Asia 亞洲主席及行政總裁 Margaret Ma Connolly 馬穎 Senior Vice President - Asia 亞洲高級副總裁 David Bondi 龐大為 Director of Jewellery Fairs 珠寶展覽部總監 Celine Lau 劉小雯 Published by Informa Markets 由Informa Markets出版 17/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔港灣道26號華潤大廈17樓 Email 電郵: [email protected] JewelleryNet.com Jewellery

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 5 This book project holds a special place in our hearts because it is much more than a mere compilation of stories. It is a heartfelt tribute to the exceptional individuals who have made a profound impact on the world of jewellery. What better way to celebrate two milestones in our industry – the 40th edition of the world’s biggest jewellery show, Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW), and the 40th anniversary of our flagship jewellery trade publication, JNA – than by honouring those who have made outstanding contributions to our community? Their stories reflect our own journey and are a testament to our collective history and trajectory. Presented by the Jewellery World Awards (JWA), the Extraordinary 40 Awards pays homage to trailblazers, innovators, educators and creatives who embody the spirit of resilience and determination that defines our industry. They have demonstrated that incredible possibilities abound when passion, talent and hard work come together. Congratulations to JWA’s Extraordinary 40 and to all those who are shaping the future of the jewellery world. May your dedication inspire us to strive for greatness every day! 出版這本紀念冊對我們有重大的意義。它不僅匯集了多個非凡的故事,更重要的是 向珠寶業傑出人士表達由衷的敬意,彰顯他們為行業帶來的深遠影響。今年,我們迎 來了兩大里程碑——全球最大型珠寶展「環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會」(簡 稱JGW) 踏入第40屆,以及旗艦珠寶雜誌《JNA亚洲珠宝》創刊40週年。在這珍貴的時 刻,還有甚麼比向行業的佼佼者致以崇高敬意更為合適呢?他們的傳奇故事,反映了 行業的發展進程,也是我們的集體回憶與歷史見證。 「非凡40」由JWA大獎隆重呈獻,旨在向珠寶行業的開拓者、革新者、教育專家和 創意大師致敬。在他們身上,我們可以看到珠寶業的韌性和決心。他們印證了一個信 念:當熱情、才華和努力融合在一起,定能產生令人難以置信的結果! 衷心祝賀JWA「非凡40」大獎各得獎者,同時感謝一眾菁英業者,為塑造珠寶業未 來所付出的心力。願大家的努力成為彼此的鼓勵,推動行業欣欣向榮! David Bondi 龐大為 Senior Vice President Informa Markets in Asia 亞洲區高級副總裁 FOREWORD 序言

Ruby’s Mine-to-Market Adventure 漫遊瑰麗紅寶破繭成蝶之旅 緋紅 璀璨 香港會議展覽中心 主辦機構 合作夥伴           ! By Informa Markets Jewellery 顧問   冠名贊助商 贊助商

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 7 I vividly recall the early days of Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW) when we had just over a hundred exhibitors in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. Since then, our jewellery fair has undergone a remarkable transformation and has emerged as the largest in the world. This year, we are proud to celebrate its 40th edition, along with the 40th anniversary of our flagship jewellery publication, JNA. As we mark these significant milestones, we also take great pride in recognising the exceptional achievements of 40 outstanding individuals who have played a vital role in advancing the sector. Our Extraordinary 40 Awardees represent the brightest talents in the jewellery world, hailing from diverse geographies and specialising in key areas such as jewellery design, manufacturing, diamonds, coloured gemstones, pearls and technology. Their exceptional business practices encompass social responsibility, sustainability, education and innovation. Our recognition campaign aims to send a powerful message to all those involved in the jewellery industry. We want to express our appreciation for their hard work, creativity and contributions, and let them know that they have not gone unnoticed. With gratitude for the past and enthusiasm for the future, let’s raise a toast to the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Here’s to another 40 years of exceptional growth and innovation in the jewellery industry! 猶記得「環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會」(簡稱JGW)」最初在尖沙咀一間酒店内 舉行,只有一百多家供應商參展。從那時起,展覽會經歷了一段美妙的發展旅程,逐步 蛻變為全球最大型的珠寶展。今年,展覽會和我們的旗艦雜誌《JNA亚洲珠宝》同時慶 祝40週年,我們深感自豪!在紀念這兩個重要里程碑的同時,我們也非常榮幸能夠表 揚40名成就斐然的行業菁英,他們在推動珠寶業發展中發揮了極為重要的影響力。 「非凡40」得獎者橫跨不同地域和專業範疇,其中包括珠寶設計和製造;鑽石、彩寶、 珍珠及科技等主要產品類別;以及社會責任、可持續發展、教育和革新等傑出商業實踐。 這個獎項計劃旨在向所有珠寶業者傳遞一個強烈的信息:他們默默耕耘,為行業 付出努力、創意和貢獻,我們表示致敬!讓我們回顧過去,憧憬未來,為將來的無限可 能乾杯!祝願珠寶業繼續迎來卓越的發展和革新,開創下一個光輝40年! Celine Lau 劉小雯 Director of Jewellery Fairs Informa Markets Jewellery 珠寶展覽部總監 TRIBUTE 致敬

PEARL A Publication US$20 JEWELMER: VERSATILE LUXURY 百变奢华 China’s thriving pearl sector 中国珍珠业蓬勃发展 PEARL REPORT 珍 珠 特 刊 2023-2024 珍珠特刊 REPORT 2023-2024 View our Titles 查阅出版刊物 Subscribe to our eNewsletters 免费订阅电子快报 Free Access to Online Content 免费登记成为会员 [email protected] YOUR JEWELLERY MEDIA PARTNER 您的珠宝媒体伙伴


10 | Informa Markets Jewellery JGW at 40: Powering the future of jewellery JGW 40週年:推動珠寶行業邁步向前 Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW) began as a small trade show with only 110 exhibitors and 700 buyers four decades ago. Today, it has grown into the world’s largest jewellery fair, attracting visitors from over 130 countries and regions and boasting a 33-fold increase in exhibitor numbers. However, JGW’s impact extends beyond its impressive size. It has become a source of inspiration, exploration and discovery, offering a seven-day window into the global jewellery industry – right here in Hong Kong. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the moments, milestones and celebrations that have marked JGW’s incredible 40-year history. Join us on this journey of reminiscence as we look back on the fair’s past and all that has contributed to its success. 環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會(簡稱JGW)於40年前創辦,最初只有110家參展商與700名買 家,是一個小型商貿展覽會。如今,它已發展成為全球最大型的珠寶盛會,吸引來自130多個國家和 地區的買家蒞臨參觀,參展商的數目亦增加了33倍。然而,JGW的影響力不僅在於客觀的規模;展 會更是靈感、探索和發現新事物的泉源,為環球珠寶業界提供了七天洽商交流的機會。拓展業務,就 在香港! JGW 40週年,記載着許多令人難忘的的歷史時刻、里程碑和慶祝活動;當中的身影,都為展會的 過去貢獻良多,攜手創下了一個又一個令人引以為傲的旅程!回顧過去,展望未來,就讓我們一起見 證這一段段既美好又艱辛的回憶!

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 11 1998 The iconic Fine Design Pavilion (FDP) made its grand debut. Moreover, we initiated sustainability efforts with a specific focus on refreshing FDP booth designs once every three years. This strategy not only minimises wastage but also promotes the reuse of materials, aligning our efforts with a more eco-friendly approach. 標誌性的「珠寶精品館」(FDP)首次亮相。此外,我 們致力於可持續發展,每三年才更新FDP的展位設 計一次。這項舉措不僅可以最大限度地減少浪費, 還可以促進材料的重複使用,讓我們的目標與更 環保的理念保持一致。 Robert Wan Tahiti held its first pearl auction at the fair. The sale was a significant milestone since it contributed to the expansion of the market for Tahitian pearls in Asia. Robert Wan Tahiti在展會上首次舉辦珍珠拍賣會。 這次活動是該品牌的一個重要里程碑,有助擴展 大溪地珠在亞洲的市場。 2001 The name Miller Freeman gave way to CMP Asia through a rebranding process. Miller Freeman品牌重塑,易名為亞洲博聞。 1983 Headway Trade Fairs Ltd launched the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. The inaugural show had 110 exhibitors and drew about 700 visitors. 精英國際展覽有限公司於尖沙咀一間酒 店內舉行第一屆「九月香港珠寶鐘錶展 覽會」,現場雲集110家參展商,共吸引 約700名買家蒞臨參觀。 1995 Following the acquisition of Headway Trade Fairs Ltd, the corporate brand seamlessly transitioned to Miller Freeman. 在收購「精英國際展覽有限公司」後,公司品 牌順利過度予Miller Freeman。 1994 The show hosted the Paspaley Pearl Auction. Its resounding success established Hong Kong as a premier global trading hub for the pearl industry. The event also paved the way for future pearl auctions to be held in the city. 展會舉辦了Paspaley珍珠拍賣會。這個活動的空前成功,使香港成為 珍珠行業的主要貿易中心,還為未來在這行的珍珠拍賣鋪平了道路。 1989 The exhibition relocated from its former venues, consisting of four hotels, to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), which opened in November 1988. 展會從原先舉行的四間酒店會 址,遷往1988年11月啟用的香港 會議展覽中心。

12 | Informa Markets Jewellery 2009 The year brought about another name change from CMP Asia to UBM Asia. 亞洲博聞的英文名稱由CMP Asia改為「UBM Asia」。 The show was rebranded as the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair. With its innovative “One Fair, Two Venues” product sectorisation strategy, the B2B event rose to become the world’s largest jewellery fair. To accommodate its growing size and popularity, the fair expanded to two venues: the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) and the AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE). 展會更名為「九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會」;憑藉其創新的「一展兩 地」產品分類策略,讓這個商貿活動一躍成為全球最大型的珠寶展 覽會。隨着展會的規模日漸壯大,其受歡迎程度也愈來愈高,展會 擴充至兩個場地舉行——香港會議展覽中心和亞洲國際博覽館。 2006 The September Fair introduced the groundbreaking “One Fair, Two Venues” concept, following the completion of the AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE). Despite facing initial resistance from industry associations, the fair’s innovative product sectorisation initiative was ultimately embraced by the jewellery community. Through meaningful dialogue and a shared vision of nurturing a dynamic jewellery marketplace, an agreement was reached to launch the concept after a three-year period. 亞洲國際博覽館落成後,九月展引入了開 創性的「一展兩地」模式。儘管初時面臨著 行業協會的壓力,但展會的創新展品分類 措施最終得到了珠寶業界的認可。通過有 意義的對話與攜手建立充滿活力的珠寶 商貿平台的共同願景,雙方達成協議並在 三年後正式推出這個展覽模式。 2019 UBM Asia underwent a rebranding and successfully transitioned to Informa Markets following its acquisition. 亞洲博聞進行品牌重塑,被收購 後正式更名為「英富曼會展」。 2020 This will always be remembered as the year that changed the world. The fair, which underwent a rebranding and became Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong (JGW) months before the COVID-19 outbreak, pivoted to an online format in response to the pandemic that forced billions of people to be locked inside their homes for months. Jewellery & Gem Digital World went live from 27 to 29 October. 這將被銘記為改變世界的一年!展會在 2019冠狀病毒病爆發前的數個月進行了 品牌重塑,並更名為「環球盛事 | 九月香 港珠寶首飾展覽會」(簡稱JGW)。為應對 這場迫使數十億人口連月被困於家中的 疫情,展會轉以網上形式舉行——「環球 珠寶首飾線上展」於10月27至29日面世。 2018 Super Typhoon Mangkhut made history by forcing the closure of the September Fair for a day, marking the first such occurrence in its history. Additionally, the JNA Awards gala dinner was postponed by a day due to the typhoon’s impact. Mangkhut was one of at least three super typhoons that significantly affected the show over the past four decades. 超強颱風「山竹」襲港,導致展覽會自創辦以來首次停 辦一天。颱風還迫使JNA大獎頒獎晚宴推遲一天。「山 竹」是過去四十年來,對這場展覽會產生重大影響的 至少三場超級颱風之一。

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 13 2012 The fair hosted the first JNA Awards, an annual awards programme that recognises and celebrates excellence and innovation in the jewellery and gemstone industry, with a focus on the Asian region. It was renamed the Jewellery World Awards (JWA) in 2021 to reflect its expanded global reach. 展會同期舉辦首屆JNA大獎。這年度獎項計劃旨在表彰 珠寶和寶石行業的卓越成就和創造力,並聚焦於亞洲地 區。該獎項於2021年更名為「JWA大獎」(Jewellery World Awards),以反映其全球影響力,無遠弗屆。 The Fine Design Pavilion (FDP) in the Grand Hall of the HKCEC and the Fine Gem Pavilion (FGP) at the AWE were standout highlights of the show and continue to do so to this day. 設於香港會議展覽中心大會堂的「珠寶精品館」, 和位於亞洲國際博覽館的「寶石精品館」,一直都 是展會的焦點。 The International Premier Pavilion (IPP) was introduced, showcasing some of the world’s high-end jewellery brands. 「國際藝粹館」矚目登場,展出全球知名的高級珠 寶品牌。 The Hong Kong Premier Pavilion was launched. It was rebranded to CORE in 2017, showcasing the strengths of Hong Kong jewellers in the areas of original design, brand development and product manufacturing. 「香港藝粹館」誕生,並於2017年更名為「CORE 展館」。這個展覽館展示了香港珠寶商在原創設 計、品牌發展和產品製造等領域的優勢。 2021 A special-edition in-person September Fair, which provided opportunities for trade professionals and jewellery lovers to participate, was staged. This innovative approach aimed to generate additional cross-market opportunities and onsite sales for exhibitors, while also renewing consumers’ excitement for jewellery shopping as Hong Kong and the world rose and adapted to the new reality of the pandemic. The fairs were complemented by a B2B digital component to allow trade buyers from anywhere in the world to establish new business connections online. JGW特別展為珠寶業買家和珠寶愛好者提供現場購買珠寶 的機會。這個創新的形式旨在為參展商創造更多的跨市場 機遇、促成現場交易。同時,隨着香港和全球的新常態出現, 展會亦有助重燃消費者 對購買珠寶的熱情。 線上展與實體展同期舉 行,相輔相成,讓世界各 地的珠寶業買家能夠在 線上與供應商建立業務 聯繫。 2023 JGW celebrates its 40th edition, a significant milestone in its history, and returns to its original format in Hong Kong for the first time since the global health crisis began. JGW慶祝創辦40週年,不但是其發展歷程中的一個重要里程碑, 更是自全球疫情爆發以來,首次在香港以一貫的模式舉行。 2022 JGW “relocated” to Singapore (JGW Singapore), marking the first time in the show’s nearly four-decade history that it was held outside of Hong Kong. By relocating to Singapore, JGW offered greater flexibility to those who were clamouring for the in-person show experience, while also attracting a wider pool of attendees from across the region and beyond. JGW暫時「移師」至新加坡,是展會近 40年歷史上首次在香港以外的地區舉 行。JGW通過這個安排,為渴望參與展 會的業者提供更大的靈活性,同時也 吸引了鄰近地區的新買家到場,親身 體驗展會氣氛。

14 | Informa Markets Jewellery 40 YEARS Continental Jewellery (Mfg) Ltd Lo & Rador International Limited Luen On Jewellery Factory Ltd Myer Jewelry Mfr Limited Oriental First Jewelry Manufacturer Ltd Pointers Gemcraft & Jewellery Mfy 35-39 YEARS A Concept Group Limited Alliance Clasp & Jewellery Limited Arezia Oro Srl Brilliant Trading Company (1974) Limited Chii Lih Coral Co Ltd Dehres Denis Hazell International Limited East Arts Jewelry Manufactory Limited Gallant Gems Co Gem Centre Gem Diamond Corp Gem Stone Company Gemdiam Gleam Gems & Jewelry Limited Good Way Jewellery Manufactory Limited Grand Central Jewellery Limited Himmy Jewellery Co Ltd Hong’s Brothers Corp Hung Ngai Jewellery Fty Ltd Jade Peace Ltd Kin Chong Gems & Jewellery Fty Ltd Kowloon Trading Co Kunming International Limited Kwong’s Art Jewellery Trading Company Limited Leach & Garner (HK) Limited Legrand Jewellery (Mfg) Company Limited Lorenzo Jewelry Limited Nazim Brothers Octagon Jewellery Co Ltd Opal House Limited Pearl Sea (H K) Company Limited Peter Lam Jewellery Ltd Po Shu Jewellery Company Limited Po Yuen Gems Company Polaris Jewellery Manufacturer Limited Royal Stones San Wai Gems & Jewellery Fty Co Ltd Selective Gem House Sisma Spa Universal Jewellery Company Limited Universal Jewellery Design Center Limited Universe Gems & Jewellery Company Wai Ho Hong Limited Wild & Petsch GmbH Wing Wo Hong Industrial Products Ltd Winning Jewellery (HK) Co Limited Wu Leung Lee (Man-Yick) Limited Yee On Gems & Jewellery Factory Company Ltd Yuen Hing Hong Pearl Limited Thank you for your decades of trust and commitment! Honouring our loyal exhibitors

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 15 30-34 YEARS 4G’s Trading Corp A Kleiman & Co Inc Abba Jewellery (Mfg) Limited Alain Boite SAS Albert Jewellery Company Limited Artman Jewellery Limited Asia Pearl (HK) Co Limited Bally Jewellery Limited Bay’s Gem & Pearl Company Ltd Blue River / Jewel Decor Bombay Diamonds Limited Buono Jewellery Company Limited C. D. Company Limited Cadeco Company Limited Canshang Limited Charkon Pearl House Limited Chase Jewellery Manufactory Limited Cheng & Cheung Co. (Hong Kong) Limited Collective Jewelers Crystal Rise Jewellery Ltd D. W. L. Creations Limited Deckwell Gold International Limited Designlink Jewellery (Mfg) Limited Dewcarat Limited Diacraft Diasqua International Limited Double Arts Jewellery Manufacturer Limited Duarte & Bastos Ltda Dynamic International Eastern Jewelry Ltd Edelweiss Jewellery Company Limited Elegante Arts Packaging Company Limited Emerald Mines Co Ltd Emergreen Exports Emil Weis Opals Eternity Manufacturing Ltd Everest Gems Ltd Faerber, Thomas SA Fancy Gems Farber Fisher Inc Fasti Industriale Spa Fine Diamond (Hong Kong) Ltd Fook Yue Pearl Company Limited Fred Chong Jewellery Limited Front Top Jewelry Manufacturer Limited Gemcut SA Gemological Institute Of America (GIA) Glitter Success Limited Hang Fong Opal Company Hasbani Gioielli Spa HKJT Hodel (Hong Kong) Limited Hoover International Co Ltd Horovitz & Totah SA House of Selected Gems Ikeda Pearl Co Ikohe Inc Iskkon Jewellery Collection Manufacturer Limited Jewellery Package Co K. V. Gems Co Ltd K. Y. Gems And Jewellery Factory Limited Keen Jade Limited KGK Jewellery (HK) Limited Kuramoto Pearl Co Ltd Lawrence Jewellery Company Limited Lovely Jewellery Company Manoel Nogueira Ltd Manuel Bouvier Geneve MBernardes Comercio E Lapidacao de Pedras Preciosas Eireli Michael Gad Emerald Ming Hing Gem Co Ltd MKS Jewelry International Co Ltd Nelson Jewellery Arts Co Ltd Noble Jewelry Limited Olympic Watch & Jewellery Co Limited Omnia Jewellery Opals Mine Factory Limited P.B.Gems Ltda. Palminic International Company Limited Peershine Jewellery HK Limited Prestige Jewellery Manufacturer Limited R A Gem Centre Limited Raymond Jewelry Limited Rio Pearl Rubin & Son (HK) Limited Sea Treasure Industrial Company Shanghai Jade Gems Factory Limited Sik Ki Jewelry Manufacturers Star Shine Limited STH Jewellery Company Limited Stone World Imp.Export. Ltda Sunny Creations Ltd Sunny Gems Tai Woo Pearl & Gems Company Limited Tara & Sons Inc The Big City Jewellery Ltd Tung Fat Trading Company Union Clasp Jewellery Manufacturer Ltd Up Class Jewelry Products Company Limited Victory Jewells WCJ International Limited Wing Hang Diamond Company Limited Wing Wo Hing Jewelry Group Limited Yau Shing Gems Company Limited Yue Fung Jewellery Co 感謝閣下四十年來的信賴與推戴! 向我們的忠實展商致以崇高敬意! *This list of longtime exhibitors reflects the most recent and accurate information as of 21 August 2023.

16 | Informa Markets Jewellery JNA at 40: Trade journalism for the jewellery industry JNA 40週年:為珠寶行業提供優質內容 Jewellery News Asia published its first issue in 1983 at a time when information was scarce and the Asian jewellery and gem trade was in its infancy. Founded by Publisher Letitia Chow and Editor-in-Chief Peter Brindisi, Asia’s first jewellery trade magazine blazed a trail in the gem and jewellery world with a fresh proposition – a focus on Asia and the industry forces affecting business in the region while offering an international perspective to a global audience. Over the years, the publication established itself as an authoritative resource on matters in Asia, growing its coverage, portfolio and influence with a front-row seat to – and, at times, an active role in – the growth and development of the industry. Along the way, it officially became JNA, a print and digital media brand synonymous with responsible and professional trade journalism. Here are some of the milestones in its 40 years as the jewellery industry’s trusted media partner. 《Jewellery News Asia》創刊號於1983年誕生,由出版人周美麗和主編Peter Brindisi創辦。當 年信息匱乏,亞洲珠寶貿易處於起步階段。作為亞洲首本珠寶貿易雜誌,編輯團隊另闢蹊徑,為寶石 及珠寶世界提供了獨到的觀點,聚焦關注亞洲和影響該地區業務的行業力量,同時拓闊環球業者的 國際視野。 時光荏苒,這刊物已成為亞洲事務的權威信息資源,隨着其影響力持續增長,覆蓋範圍和產品組 合亦不斷擴展,站在行業發展的前沿,有時還積極參與其中。一路走來,《JNA亚洲珠宝》的地位正 式確立,成為一個知名的印刷和數碼媒體品牌,以具責任感和提供專業行業新聞資訊而享有盛譽。 《JNA亚洲珠宝》是珠寶行業值得信賴的媒體合作夥伴,以下是它在過去40多年所奠下的里程碑。

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 17 1994 Jewellery News Asia Ltd was acquired by Asian Business Press (HK) Ltd. Jewellery News Asia Ltd被Asian Business Press (HK) Ltd收購。 To cater to the growing market in mainland China, Jewellery News Asia Chinese Edition – later rebranded as CJNA – was introduced in July 1994. Initially published quarterly, the magazine in Simplified Chinese turned bimonthly in November 1999 and monthly in January 2001. 為了迎合不斷增長的中國內地市場,編採團 隊於1994年7月推出中文版 《Jewellery News Asia》, 後來改稱為《CJNA亞洲珠 寶》。這本簡體中文雜誌原 為季刊,自1999年11月起 改為雙月刊,並在2001年 1月起改為月刊。 1995 Acknowledging the strategic importance of its home base, Jewellery News Asia launched the dedicated Jewellery & Gem Directory Hong Kong, which became the trade’s definitive guide to the city’s suppliers and capabilities. 鑑於中國香港具有策略性的重要地位,Jewellery News Asia推出了專為本地而 設的《香港珠寶及寶石商貿名錄》,成為業內有關香港供應商和產能的權威指南。 1997 The Equipment & Supplies Directory made its debut in September. Initially in English, it turned bilingual in 2002. To this day, ESD remains a much-sought-after resource for jewellery and gem manufacturers. 《珠宝业设备及用品供应商名录(ESD)》於9月 首次亮相。該名錄起初為英文版,於2002年轉 為中英雙語版。時至今天,ESD仍然是廣受珠 寶製造商歡迎的資源。 1983 Jewellery News Asia was first published in August 1983 as an English-language, bimonthly, jewellery trade magazine with an Asian focus. Its first cover included a story on the possible participation of Hong Kong manufacturers in Basel’s European Watch, Clock and Jewellery Fair come 1985. The first issue was distributed at the first September Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair, now Jewellery & Gem WORLD Hong Kong, which also celebrates its 40th edition this year. The magazine turned monthly in 1986. 《Jewellery News Asia》創刊於1983年8月,是一本聚焦亞洲的英文 雙月刊珠寶行業雜誌。它的首個封面故事是關於香港製造商可能參加 1985年巴塞爾歐洲鐘錶珠寶展。創刊號於首屆九月香港珠寶鐘錶展覽 會上派發。該展會現稱為環球盛事 | 九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會,也於今 年慶祝40週年。這本雜誌在1986年轉以月刊形式出版。 1991 The first Jewellery News Asia Trade Fair & Conference Guide was introduced in March to help industry professionals plan their business and travel schedules. Mid-year editions varied from wall maps to pamphlets while the annual year-end edition came in a handy booklet format. Simplified Chinese versions were produced from 2010 and the guide became bilingual from 2018. 首份《Trade Fair And Conference Guide》於3月推出,旨在協 助珠寶界專業人士規劃他們的商務旅程。年中版本印製成掛 圖和小冊子,而年終版則以方便攜帶的小冊子形式呈現。簡體 版於2010年面世,並於2018起改為中英雙語版。 December saw the launch of Jewellery & Gem Directory, the first trade directory dedicated to the jewellery and gemstone sectors of Asia. Two-volume editions from 1992 to 1994 presented listings from a number of Asian countries. 在12月推出了《Jewellery & Gem Directory》,這是亞洲第一個 專為珠寶和寶石行業而製作的貿易名錄。1992至1994年推出 的兩期刊物提供了許多有關亞洲國家的企業資料。

18 | Informa Markets Jewellery 2008 Annual coffee table books served the luxury jewellery market. Enchanting came out in 2008 followed by Exquisite the following year and Premiere in 2012 and 2013. 年度咖啡桌刊物投入奢華珠寶市場。《Enchanting》和《Exquisite》先後 於2008和2009年出版,而《Premiere》則於2012年及2013年隆重登場。 2011 Jewellery News Asia and its sister publications CJNA and SS went digital, each launching its own website. JNA and CJNA both introduced weekly eNewsletters as well and held online conferences, a precursor to the webinars of recent years. JNA also expanded its silver portfolio with the bilingual Silver Jewellery Suppliers Directory. 《Jewellery News Asia》及其姊妹刊物《CJNA亞洲 珠寶》和《銀流》新增了數碼內容,並各自成立了網 站。《JNA》和《CJNA亞洲珠寶》均推出了每週電子通 訊,並舉行線上會議,這是近年網絡研討會的先驅。 《JNA》更擴大了其白銀產品組合,推出中英雙語 《銀飾供應商名錄》。 2006 As gold prices skyrocketed, jewellery manufacturers turned to silver with international brands introducing collections and lines in the white metal. The market was ripe for Silver Styles (SS), a bilingual, bimonthly magazine for and about the silver jewellery industry. The title turned monthly the following year. 由於金價飆升,珠寶製造商轉向白銀市 場,國際品牌也紛紛推出了白銀系列。隨 着銀飾市場日漸成熟,《銀流》應運而生。 這是一本針對銀飾行業的中英語、雙月刊 雜誌。翌年,它改以月刊出版。 2018 The first JNA Design Competition was established to help nurture new design talents in the jewellery industry. The 2018/2019 edition covered three categories: Dancing Stone, Platinum and Tahitian Pearl. 舉辦首屆JNA珠寶設計大賽,旨在培育珠寶業的新晉設 計人才。2018/2019年大賽涵蓋了三個組別:靈動鑽石、 鉑金首飾和大溪地珍珠。 2019 JNA turned into a bimonthly, bilingual magazine, incorporating its Chinese edition. 《JNA亚洲珠宝》合併中文版,改為雙月刊、中英雙 語雜誌。 The first JNA Design Conference was held on the sidelines of the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair, with five international jewellery designers sharing their insights in a well-attended, half-day session. 首屆JNA設計研討會在九月香港珠寶首飾展覽會期間舉行,五位國際 珠寶設計師在半天的會議上分享了他們的遠見卓識。 2017 JNA and CJNA unveiled a new look in September, pivoting to fashion-driven covers featuring model images. In the digital space, the three magazines’ websites were consolidated onto a single platform, JewelleryNet, which offered content and sourcing opportunities for its online community of jewellery professionals. 《JNA》及《CJNA亚洲珠宝》在9月推出的品牌重 塑包括採用時尚導向的封面,並以模特兒相片形 式呈現。在數碼領域方面,三本雜誌的網站合併為 單一平台JewelleryNet,為珠寶業界的網上社群 提供專業資訊內容和採購機會。

Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 19 2015 The Jewellery & Gem Directory 2016 – Southeast Asia edition was introduced in November. The English-only directory listed manufacturers and retailers from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. 《Jewellery & Gem Directory 2016》的東南亞版於 11月推出。這本英文版名錄介紹了來自印尼、馬來 西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和泰國的製造商和零售商。 2013 For its 30th anniversary, Jewellery News Asia officially changed its name to JNA, a brand synonymous with decades of groundbreaking journalism. It also adopted a new cover format from June 2013, replacing its longtime news-story front page with jewellery images. 在創刊30週年之際,《Jewellery News Asia》正式更名為 《JNA》,這個品牌在數十年來以提供突破性新聞而知 名。自2013年6月起採用了新的封面設計,以珠寶圖片取 代了新聞頭版形式。 2012 The JNA Awards was formed to celebrate excellence in the gem and jewellery industry, particularly in Asia. The inaugural gala dinner and award ceremony took place on 20 September 2012 at the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong. Attracting high-calibre entries and hosting the Who’s Who of the industry at its gala event, the prestigious awards programme soon became known as the Oscars of the gem and jewellery world. It has since been rebranded as the Jewellery World Awards (JWA). 舉辦JNA大獎,其設立是為了表揚珠寶及寶石業界的卓越 表現,特別是在亞洲。年度晚宴及頒獎典禮於2012年9月 20日在香港麗思卡爾頓酒店舉行。這個享負盛名的獎項 吸引了高素質的參賽者,並在其盛大的活動上表彰為國際 珠寶及寶石業界作出深遠貢獻及帶來積極影響的企業和 個人,這大獎很快就 成為了寶石和珠寶界 的奧斯卡。及後它蛻 變為Jewellery World Awards (JWA)。 2022 JNA evolved into an integrated multimedia content platform dedicated to delivering the most incisive and relevant industry news and information in print and digital formats. Members of Informa Markets Jewellery’s one-stop portal JewelleryNet gained exclusive access to the digital versions of JNA’s publications, online news and trade resources. 《JNA亚洲珠宝》發展成為一個綜合多媒體內容平台,致力以 印刷和數碼形式提供最精闢和相關的行業新聞資訊。Informa Markets珠寶一站式平台JewelleryNet的注冊用戶,可以閱覽 JNA電子版刊物、行業新聞和商貿資源。 2023 JNA turns 40 with a host of new print, digital and programming offerings. Apart from growing its stable of authoritative print titles, JNA is unveiling online exclusives, trend reports and customised features, among others, as it renews its commitment to deliver the news and insights that gem and jewellery players need to grow their business. JNA邁進40週年,推出了一系列新的印刷品、數 碼內容,以及特備節目。除了繼續發展其權威刊 物,《JNA亚洲珠宝》還推出了線上獨家報道、趨 勢報告和訂製專題報道等,以重申其承諾——提 供寶石和珠寶企業發展業務所需的新聞和洞見。 2020 To fulfil its mandate as the industry’s jewellery media partner during the pandemic, JNA strengthened its digital offerings by engaging the trade with JNA Conversations webinars and JNA Trade Talk interviews, among other initiatives. 在疫情期間,為了履行其作為珠寶行業媒體合作夥伴的承諾, 《JNA亚洲珠宝》通過「JNA翹楚對話」網絡研討會和JNA Trade Talk訪談等活動,加強其數碼產品及服務。

Discover the exceptional individuals who have shaped and continue to shape the future of the jewellery trade. From industry icons and trailblazers to passionate educators, these outstanding Awardees are being recognised and celebrated for their remarkable contributions. 從廣受推崇的領袖和先鋒,到熱誠的教育專家,我們向 一眾塑造行業格局、引領業界向前,並帶來卓越貢獻的 傑出珠寶業者致以崇高的敬意。 MEET OUR EXTRAORDINARY 40 AWARDEES 致敬「非凡40」得獎菁英

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Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 23 Ahmed’s remarkable achievements over the years have placed Dubai at the forefront of the global commodities trade. His pivotal role in establishing DMCC and the Dubai Diamond Exchange (DDE) has effectively paved the way for Dubai’s ascent as a leading international diamond hub. Today, DDE has the world’s largest tender facility and the only diamond and coloured gemstone exchange in the Gulf Cooperation Council affiliated with the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB). In 2021, the UAE imported and exported US$22.8 billion of rough diamonds, making it the world’s largest rough diamond trading centre. Adding to its accomplishments, the UAE has been honoured with the prestigious role of chairing the Kimberley Process in 2024. Ahmed’s list of achievements is impressive, including DMCC’s successful hosting of the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) Congress in 2007 and 2023. He also takes pride in organising six Dubai diamond conferences and providing consistent support for WFDB and World Diamond Council events on numerous occasions. Under Ahmed’s leadership, DMCC achieved a groundbreaking milestone by organising the inaugural Lab-Grown Diamond Symposium on 10 July 2023. 多年來,Ahmed的功勳卓著,推動杜拜攀上全球商品貿易中心之位。他在建立DMCC和杜 拜鑽石交易所(DDE)方面發揮了決定性的作用,並促進持續增長,為杜拜進身國際鑽石樞 紐之路奠定基礎。如今,DDE已成為全球最大型的招標機構,也是海灣合作委員會中唯一 隸屬於世界鑽石交易所聯合會(WFDB)的鑽石和彩寶交易所。在2021年,阿聯酋的毛坯鑽 石貿易額多達228億美元,令該國榮升為環球最大的毛坯鑽石貿易中心。此外,阿聯酋還 榮獲2024年金伯利進程主席國的殊榮。 他在事業生涯中取得多項非凡成就,包括DMCC分別在2007年和2023年成功主辦國 際有色寶石協會(ICA)大會;他還為組織六次杜拜鑽石會議,並多次支持WFDB和世界鑽 石理事會活動而感到非常自豪。在Ahmed的領導下,DMCC於2023年7月10日舉行了首 屆實驗室培育鑽石座談會,實現了突破性的里程碑。 AHMED BIN SULAYEM Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre) 杜拜多種商品交易中心 (DMCC) 執行主席兼首席執行官

24 | Informa Markets Jewellery Cao Thi Ngoc Dung upholds a business philosophy that prioritises people, technology and sustainability. She launched PNJ in 1988 with the goal of reviving Vietnam’s jewellery industry. Under her leadership, PNJ has grown from an initial team of 20 to become the largest jewellery retailer in Vietnam, employing nearly 7,000 staff and operating more than 400 outlets across the country. Cao is widely acknowledged as the most powerful woman in Vietnam’s jewellery industry. The “Gold Trust” philosophy is the guiding principle of PNJ’s operations, reflecting her belief that trust is as valuable as gold. PNJ also owns the largest jewellery manufacturing facility in Ho Chi Minh City, with an annual production of four million pieces. It recently opened a second factory in Long An. “PNJ has another ‘asset’ to help ensure the high quality of goods that we deliver – our people,” shared Cao. “We value our team of talented designers and goldsmiths who are instrumental to PNJ’s success.” 富潤珠寶股份公司(PNJ)創始人兼董事長Cao Thi Ngoc Dung堅持以人才、技術和可持 續發展為核心的經營理念。她於1988年創立PNJ,致力振興越南珠寶業。在她的帶領 下,PNJ從最初的20人團隊,發展成為越南最具規模的珠寶零售商,在全國擁有近7,000 名員工,經營400多家門店。 Cao被譽為越南珠寶業內最有影響力的女性。對她而言,誠信可貴一諾千金,因而以 「Gold Trust」作為PNJ的經營哲學。 PNJ擁有胡志明市最大的珠寶製造廠,年產量為400萬件。該公司最近在隆安開設了 第二家工廠。Cao分享道:「PNJ擁有另一項『資產』以確保我們提供高品質的商品——這就 是我們的員工。我們相當重視這個由才華橫溢的設計師和金匠組成的團隊,他們是PNJ 成功的關鍵。」 CAO THI NGOC DUNG Founder and Chairperson, Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company (PNJ) 富潤珠寶股份公司創始人兼董事長

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Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 27 Clement is a prime mover in the gemstone trade, having spearheaded industry-wide projects encompassing market expansion, ethical sourcing, social and environmental accountability, and innovation. A second-generation gemstone specialist, Sabbagh’s vision for the industry extends beyond business growth. His advocacy-driven leadership found a home in ICA where he served as a board member for 10 years and president from 2017 to 2023 – the longest tenure in ICA history. Sabbagh considers the establishment of the “Gems Keep Giving” fund among ICA’s glowing achievements under his leadership. The fund supports artisanal miners and their communities in the areas of education, healthcare and environmental stewardship as well as the implementation of the Accredited Ethical Member programme, which promotes responsible sourcing, transparency and consumer confidence by ensuring proper disclosure of gem enhancements and origins. “I look forward to further expanding international collaborations and partnerships,” Clement said. “In an increasingly interconnected world, fostering global connections is crucial to industry growth and success.” Clement致力推動寶石行業發展,他在拓展市場、道德採購、社會責任和創新等方面均擔 當領導角色。 身為家族寶石業務的第二代傳人,Sabbagh對行業的願景已超越了業務增長。他的領 導方針以倡導為核心,並在ICA得到全面發揮。他在會內擔任董事會成員長達10年,並於 2017年至2023年期間擔任主席一職,是ICA史上任期最長的領袖。Sabbagh認為「Gems Keep Giving」基金是ICA在他領導下最令他感到驕傲的成就。該基金在教育、醫療和環境 管理方面支援手工採礦者及其所在的社區,而成立「認可道德會員計劃」則確保能準確地 披露寶石的加工和原產地細節,從而促進責任採購,同時提升行業透明度和消費者信心。 他說:「我期待進一步擴大國際合作項目和夥伴關係。世界日益緊密相連,因此,促進 全球聯繫對於行業的發展和成功非常重要。」 CLEMENT SABBAGH Director, Ben Sabbagh Bros 董事 Former President, International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) 國際有色寶石協會前主席

28 | Informa Markets Jewellery Damien is arguably one of the world’s leading experts for all things opal. Director of Cody Opal Australia, he has been instrumental in professionalising the opal industry and bringing the gemstone to global prominence. Alongside his late brother Andrew, he co-authored the book, The Opal Story, which was published in five languages. The book has sold over 60,000 copies worldwide, making it a concise opal reference suitable for both the trade and consumers, as well as a valuable resource for retailers. In 2018, his company produced a limited release of Opal Master Sets, each containing 213 opal specimens showcasing various opal localities, types, qualities and treatments. The sets were designed to aid in the identification, classification and grading of opals, and were highly sought after by gemmological institutes, laboratories, valuers and other industry bodies. Another noteworthy accomplishment was his 2003 Opal and the Dinosaurs travelling exhibition, which was displayed at the GIA campus in California for an entire year. Damien堪稱世界首屈一指的澳寶專家。作為出口公司Cody Opal Australia的董事,他一直 大力推動澳寶行業專業化,將該寶石推向世界舞臺。 他與已故的兄長Andrew合著了《澳寶故事》一書,並以五種語言出版,全球銷量超過 60,000本。這本簡明易讀的澳寶參考書,適合行內人士和消費者閱讀,對零售商來說也相 當實用。 其公司在2018年限量發行「澳寶大師」套裝,每套包含213個澳寶樣本,詳列澳寶的不 同產地、類型、特點和處理方式。這些套裝旨在協助進行澳寶的鑒定、分類和分級工作,備 受各大寶石研究院、鑒定所、估價師和其他行業機構推崇。他的另一項難忘壯舉就是籌劃 2003年的「澳寶與恐龍」巡迴展覽,在美國寶石研究院(GIA)的加州校區展出了整整一年。 DAMIEN CODY Director, Cody Opal Australia 董事 President, International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) 國際有色寶石協會主席

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Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 31 David became CEO of Sarine Technology Group in 2017. His commitment to delivering groundbreaking solutions that modernise the diamond industry however, spans two decades across various roles he has held at the company. He has played a crucial role in the initiation, development and introduction of the many revolutionary innovations Sarine has brought to the diamond industry. In 2009, he led the rollout of the Galaxy technology for rough diamond inclusion scanning, which enabled diamond manufacturers to accurately consider the stone’s clarity as an integral automated part of the planning process. In recent years, he has been spearheading Sarine’s introduction of innovative technologies including the first technology-based artificial intelligence-driven polished diamond grading, the most complete and least disruptive end-to-end solution for diamond traceability, the emerging standard for light performance analysis, as well as other digital solutions to enable diamond retailers to better interact with their millennial customers. David於2017年擔任尚靈科技集團的行政總裁。然而,他在20年中擔任公司各種職務,始 終致力於提供開創性的解決方案,使鑽石行業實現現代化。尚靈為鑽石行業帶來許多革 命性創新,Block在發起、發展和推廣方面發揮了重要作用。 2009年,他領導團隊推出了用於掃描毛坯鑽石內含物的Galaxy技術,這使鑽石製造商 能夠準確地考量鑽石的淨度,將其作為規劃過程中不可或缺的自動化部分。 近年來,他一直帶頭推廣尚靈的創新技術,包括推出首個以技術為基礎的人工智能拋 光鑽石分級系統、最完整和破壞性最小的鑽石溯源點對點方案、全新的光性能分析標準, 以及其他數碼解決方案,進一步優化鑽石零售商與他們的千禧一代客戶的互動。 DAVID BLOCK CEO, Sarine Technology Group 尚靈鑽石科技集團行政總裁

32 | Informa Markets Jewellery Dilip is highly esteemed in the global diamond industry, having led Rosy Blue, a prominent family business, as CEO from 1973 to 2007. Under his guidance, Rosy Blue flourished into a global powerhouse, generating an impressive US$2 billion in revenue. The company’s operations expanded across four continents, encompassing sales, manufacturing and financing. Dilip’s achievements were acknowledged through the prestigious title of Baron, bestowed by the King of Belgium, honouring his invaluable contribution on Belgian businesses. While maintaining his strategic investment in Rosy Blue, Dilip now focuses on providing senior advisory services. With his extensive experience in the jewellery industry, including the development of lab-grown diamonds, he possesses a comprehensive understanding of the evolving jewellery retail landscape. Dilip believes in embracing change and focusing on the silver lining. Dilip在環球鑽石行業享負盛譽,於1973至2007年擔任赫赫有名的家族企業Rosy Blue的 行政總裁。在他的帶領下,Rosy Blue蓬勃發展為行業巨頭,創造了高達20億美元的收益。 該公司的業務遍及四大洲,涵蓋銷售、製造和融資。他獲比利時國王授予男爵頭銜,表彰 他的顯耀成就和對比利時商界的寶貴貢獻。除了在Rosy Blue的戰略投資外,他現時還提 供高級諮詢服務。憑藉他在珠寶行業的豐富經驗,包括開發實驗室培育鑽石,他對不斷演 變的珠寶零售格局有全面的了解。Dilip推崇擁抱變化,以及在逆境中看到希望的思维。 BARON DILIP MEHTA 男爵 Chairman Emeritus, Rosy Blue Alliance Rosy Blue Alliance 名譽主席

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Celebrating 40 Extraordinary Years / September 2023 | 35 Dong Liusheng has played a significant role in shaping China’s diamond industry, a feat which has earned him the title, “King of Diamonds.” Back in the 1990s, he found the local diamond industry to be lacking in standards, structure and knowledge, and was determined to bring international levels of quality and production to the market. This led him to establish Kimberlite Diamond in 1995, which helped spark China’s diamond jewellery culture. Liusheng has spent almost 30 years improving China’s diamond jewellery manufacturing capabilities through his best practices at Kimberlite Diamond. He achieved this by integrating diamond manufacturing and retail processes, raising public awareness of and demand for diamonds and establishing diamonds as wedding essentials. His passion for Eastern cultural elements is reflected in the design philosophy of the Kimberlite Diamond brand. The jeweller’s collections interpret these motifs, which have become synonymous with the brand, alongside exceptional craftsmanship and first-rate quality. 董留生被稱為「鑽石之王」實在當之無愧,他在塑造中國的鑽石業方面擔當了舉足輕重的 角色。早在20世紀90年代,他留意到中國內地鑽石業缺乏完善的標準體系、架構與對鑽石 的認知,並決心提升鑽石的品質和生產至國際水平。因此,他在1995年創立了上海金伯利 鑽石,以在中國推廣鑽石首飾文化。 近30年來,董留生和其子董搏一直通過在上海金伯利鑽石實施的最佳實踐,來提升中 國製造鑽石首飾的能力。這些措施包括有效地整合鑽石製造和零售,培養公眾對鑽石的 認知和渴求,以及讓鑽石成為婚嫁消費的剛需。 他對東方文化美學元素的熱情反映在該品牌的設計理念中。上海金伯利鑽石一直不 遺餘力地在其首飾系列中詮釋這些主題。該品牌以精湛的工藝、卓越的品質及東方文化 元素而享有盛譽。 DONG LIUSHENG 董留生 Founder and Chairman, Kimberlite Diamond 上海金伯利鑽石集團有限公司創始人及董事長