PEARL REPORT 2024-2025

INSIGHT 睿智角度 PEARL REPORT | 53 | 2024-2025 Edison Pearl necklace from Hong Kong Edison Pearl Co Ltd 香港爱迪生珍珠公司的 爱迪生珍珠项链 attract tech-savvy younger consumers by offering different product showcases and affordable price points. Hong Kong Edison Pearl has also adopted a twopronged business strategy: Expanding its online presence in China and overseas through e-commerce and social media platforms to bolster brand influence and sales while strategically planning its offline retail network and brand internationalisation for further growth. “We want to offer consumers a vertically integrated experience from farm to retail,” Zhan said. He pointed out that consumers also consider storytelling and cultural significance when purchasing pearl jewellery. In response, Hong Kong Edison Pearl has relied on media coverage to market and promote its new product features, design concepts and brand narratives. “We also collaborated with fashion bloggers and key opinion leaders (KOLs) to raise brand awareness. We invite them to try our pearl products and share their reviews with their audiences who are our potential customers,” said Zhan. In addition, the company organises online and offline product launches, social media promotions as well as regular participation in international exhibitions to enhance consumer engagement. Outlook Commenting on the overall performance of the pearl market in China, Zhan noted a shift in 2024 compared to 2023, which saw robust demand and soaring prices amid tight supply. “The pearl market is undergoing a period of adjustment in 2024, with consumers moving towards more rational purchases. The overall price of pearls is down and remains within a reasonable range. With continued innovation and cost-effectiveness of pearls, I anticipate sustained market demand and consumer interest in pearls,” Zhan said. Pearls produced in China have also improved a great deal over the years and are now comparable to cultured saltwater pearls from overseas, continued Zhan, adding that the Chinese pearl sector is poised for further growth. 持续进步 随着生活品质的提升和对美好生活的追求,消费者对高 品质珍珠的需求也随之增加。爱迪生珍珠因而成为市场的 焦点。爱迪生珍珠以其非凡的光泽、大小和各种颜色而吸引 众多的追随者。 作为珍珠养殖业的先驱,香港爱迪生珍珠在研发方面不 断投资,目的是引入先进的养殖技术,并探索新的珍珠品种 和创新的加工工艺,以提高珍珠的产量和质量。 詹伟建说:“借助现代科技手段,如智能养殖监控技术、 数字化珍珠筛选和分级等,我们提升了养殖效率和产品质 量。我们还在寻找更多母本基因蚌,以培育出颜色更加丰富 多彩的珍珠。” 数字时代的品牌建设 直播带货是珍珠销售的重要渠道之一,令该行业飞速发 展。通过这一独特的销售方式,珍珠公司可以提供价格实惠 且款式多样化的产品,从而吸引现今熟悉线上购物的年轻 消费者。 香港爱迪生珍珠采取了综合战略:通过电商和社交媒体 平台开拓品牌的线上覆盖范围,以扩大品牌影响力和销售 额,为未来线下实体店、境外电商、品牌国际化布局。 詹伟建说:“我们希望为消费者提供从珍珠养殖场到零 售的‘源头直供’体验。” 他指出,消费者在购买珍珠首饰时还会考虑品牌故事和 文化内涵。香港爱迪生珍珠通过在媒体上发布最新产品、设 计理念和品牌故事,来进行推广营销。 他说:“我们还与时尚博主和关键意见领袖(KOL)合作, 提高品牌知名度。我们邀请他们试用我们的珍珠产品,并与 他们的受众(即我们的潜在客户)分享自己的用后感。” 此外,公司还举办线上和线下新品发布会、社交媒体推 广,以及定期参与国际展览,加强与买家的互动和沟通。 展望在谈到中国珍珠市场的整体表现时,詹伟建指2023年在 货源紧缺的情况下,市场的需求强劲且价格暴涨。与去年相 比,2024年的珍珠市场已有较大转变。 他解释道∶“2024年的珍珠市场进入了调整期,消费者 的购买趋于理性。珍珠的整体价格有所回落,但仍保持在一 个合理范围内。国内珍珠的品质创新及高性价比,相信市场 及消费者会一路追随。” 他续指,这些年来中国生产的珍珠有了长足发展,与海外 养殖的海水珍珠可相媲美,中国珍珠产业有望进一步增长。 为了满足年轻消费者对高品质珍珠日益增长的需求,香 港爱迪生珍珠公司正通过创新技术和品牌战略,以进 一步提升其产品和服务。 香港爱迪生珍珠公司董事长兼总经理詹伟建表示,将珍 珠首饰融入日常打扮成为年轻一代买家所追捧的潮流,名 人的时尚穿搭让消费者认识到珍珠也可以如此生活化。他 又乐见年轻消费者对珍珠的接受程度日渐上升。 詹伟建说:“我们密切关注不断变化的消费者偏好和市 场趋势,及时调整产品和服务策略,以保持竞争力。” 将珍珠与黄金、彩钻、银链等元素混搭的项链成为时尚 新宠。而镶嵌小珍珠和巴洛克珍珠等独特设计的珍珠饰品 也受到青睐。 詹伟建指,这些产品广受欢迎是因为消费者不再满足于 传统的珍珠首饰设计,而是倾向选择能彰显个性的定制化 产品。