PEARL REPORT | 8 | 2023-2024 COVER STORY 封面故事 Jewelmer: VERSATILE LUXURY 百变奢华 | Bernardette Sto. Domingo 杜明高 | Philippines-based Jewelmer remains steadfast in further raising the profile of golden South Sea pearls in luxury circles. Driving its progressive strategy is the pearl’s classic yet contemporary appeal, which resonates more and more with a wider range of audiences. 以菲律宾为基地的Jewelmer,坚守在奢侈品市场推广南洋金珠的使命。南洋金珠散发经典气质与 慑人的当代魅力,与更广大的受众产生共鸣,是该公司经营策略的主要动力。