PEARL REPORT 2023-2024

PERSPECTIVE 精辟视野 PEARL REPORT | 38 | 2023-2024 School children attending one of the company’s educational programmes 学生正参与该公司举办的教育课程 Multifaceted strategies 多方战略促进珍珠贸易 Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory is leading initiatives in pearl technology, ecotourism and education, among others, to support pearl cultivators in navigating modern-day challenges. 福井制核所带领开發的珍珠科技、生态旅游及教育项目一个接一个, 以支援和鼓励珍珠养殖者应对现今各种挑战。 to advance pearl trade Hong Kong-based Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory has made tremendous strides in many aspects of the pearl business, with the company gaining worldwide acclaim for its patented pearl authentication technology, Metakaku®. The pearl expert celebrated Metakaku®’s 10th anniversary in June 2023, marking a significant milestone in Fukui’s history, revealed Project Director David Wong. Metakaku® uses RFID technology to embed a wireless digital tag into the pearl’s nucleus so its origins and movements along the supply chain can easily be tracked and traced. This also imparts a unique identity and authenticity to each pearl. A decade into its development, Metakaku® is winning favour among major pearl producers from French Polynesia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Japan and China. Wong remarked, “Since the borders reopened, we have been vigorously promoting Metakaku® in response to the rising demand for traceability. Big companies are already using Metakaku® to grow their pearls.” Independent jewellery designers and retailers are also seeing potential in Metakaku® pearls as the technology is occasionally found in pearls adorning various fine jewellery pieces, he added. Transformations Wong views the Covid-19 crisis as a catalyst for change and disruption in the pearl market, with technology playing a critical role. For instance, the pandemic gave birth to hybrid online and offline pearl auctions as well as alternative ways of sourcing pearls and reaching end-consumers.