PEARL REPORT 2023-2024

PERSPECTIVE 精辟视野 PEARL REPORT | 37 | 2023-2024 Established in 1999, China-based Dragon’s Pearl Co Ltd specialises in saltwater pearl farming and wholesale, with domestic jewellery brands as its core clients. The company also developed its own finished jewellery line under a registered brand – Akoya® Jewelry. The aim is to offer top-of-the-line Akoya pearl jewellery. Tapping into opportunities arising from emerging online retail trends, the pearl specialist’s new brand leverages livestreaming as a way to reach out to a wider range of digital-savvy customers. Livestreaming sessions are instrumental in collecting data on buying behaviours and trends, which in turn, enables the company to deliver products that fit the needs of end-consumers, according to Cai. “Be it livestreaming or online stores, success in the digital space ultimately depends on high-quality products, professional value-added services and robust supply chains,” he noted. “These are the strengths of our company, which we have painstakingly built in more than 20 years.” Citing an unprecedented growth in pearl sales in China, Cai said prospects are bright for the domestic pearl market, which he described as having just entered a “stage of personalised consumption.” “More and more consumers now wear pearl jewellery to match their outfits for self-expression as a nod to the product’s emotional resonance. Imbued with meaningful connotations of motherly love and purity, pearls are poised to enjoy long-term demand in China,” he stated. Among the fastest-moving products in the market today are top-quality white Akoya and South Sea pearls, according to Cai. Amid growing demand and slower production across all pearl categories, prices are likely to remain high in the near term, he added. 总部位于中国的龙之珍珠有限公司成立于1999年,专 营海水珍珠养殖和批发,核心客户包括内地珠宝品 牌。该公司还以其注册品牌“Akoya® Jewelry”推出自家成品 珠宝系列,旨在提供顶级Akoya珍珠首饰。 这家珍珠公司的新品牌抓住了新兴线 上零售趋势带来的机遇,并利用直播渠道 接触更多在线消费者。蔡文江表示,直播 有助于收集有关购买行为和趋势的数据, 从而使公司能够提供符合终端消费者需 求的产品。他说:“无论是直播电商或货架 电商,在数字领域的成功最终都是拼高质 量的产品、专业的增值服务和强大的供应 链。这些都是我们20多年来努力积累下来 的优势。” 中国的珍珠销售出现了前所未有的增 长,他认为中国珍珠市场刚刚进入“个性化 消费的阶段”。蔡文江说:“现在越来越多的 消费者佩戴珍珠首饰来搭配服装,以表达 自我,并重视产品的情感共鸣。珍珠蕴含着 母爱和纯洁等有意义的含义,广受大众青 睐,预期内地市场对珍珠的需求将持续上扬。” 蔡文江指目前市场最畅销的产品是顶级白色Akoya珍珠 和南洋珍珠。他补充说,随着需求的增长和所有珍珠类别生 产放缓,价格在短期内可能会维持在高水平。 ‘Tie’ pearl necklace and ‘Olive Branch’ pearl ring by Akoya® Jewelry Akoya® Jewelry的领结 系列珍珠项链及橄榄枝 系列珍珠戒指 | Sharon Kwok 郭芷雯 | Dragon’s Pearl Having been in the pearl jewellery business for more than two decades, Cai Wenjiang, chairman of Dragon’s Pearl Co Ltd, has witnessed the industry’s many ups and downs. Coming out of the pandemic, Cai is upbeat about robust market demand supporting growth going forward. 龙之珍珠有限公司董事长蔡文江从事珍珠首饰行业已有二十馀年,见证了 行业的起起落落。蔡文江认为新冠疫情后,珍珠业前景乐观,强劲的市场需求将支持市场增长。 需求坚稳带动业务发展 banks on solid demand to spur business Dragon’s Pearl Co Ltd Chairman Cai Wenjiang 龙之珍珠有限公司董事长蔡文江