PEARL REPORT 2023-2024

SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 PEARL REPORT | 48 | 2023-2024 Technology and production Known as the “Pearl Capital of China,” Zhuji City in Zhejiang Province accounts for 70 per cent of total freshwater pearl production worldwide, according to government data. Official reports indicate that Zhuji generated RMB25 billion (approximately US$3.46 billion) in pearl sales in the first four months of 2023, up 60 per cent from last year’s total annual sales. While freshwater pearls are gaining more traction in the jewellery world, Tu of Shenzhen Pearl Industry Association pointed out that pearl production has largely been reduced due to the government implementing environmental policies to restore clean waters. “Environmental regulations have significantly impacted pearl farming. Producers have responded by adopting more advanced cultivation techniques, which have boosted yields and improved the colour and quality of the harvest, but that also led to higher production costs,” Tu said. In the face of this challenge, Grace Pearl has partnered with the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences to develop new mussel species and pearl cultivation technology. By leveraging the centre’s academic expertise and advanced facilities as well as the company’s extensive pearl cultivation experience, the two entities aim to nurture mussel varieties, which can resolve water pollution while producing premium-quality pearls in higher volumes and special colours. “Advanced machines also help improve productivity by shortening the time for colour and shape sorting,” Zhan said. “Continuous design and technological innovation is key to sustaining long-term competitiveness. Embracing artificial intelligence is also inevitable as it will widely be applied in pearl cultivation and processing.” 全球各行各业在过去几年都经历了翻天覆地的转型。 然而,中国对裸珠和珍珠首饰的殷切需求经久不息。 中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会(中宝协)发布的《2022年中 国珠宝行业发展报告》显示,2022年中国珍珠首饰的销售额 达到240亿元人民币(约33亿美元),约占全国珠宝销售总额 的3%。 珍珠的搭配千变万化,为消费者提供了适合任何场合的 各色选择。深圳市珍珠行业协会会长、深圳市魅力饰珠宝首 饰有限公司董事长涂兴财表示,这正正解释了为什么整体 珍珠的需求不断增长,从价格相宜的小米珠到奢华的珍珠 产品均受消费者追捧。 他说:“我们留意到有越来越多名人或明星在电视节目 和直播中佩戴珍珠首饰,这种‘名人效应’成功地推广了珍 珠,让珍珠火起来。” 销售稳健 淡水珍珠市场在中国稳步增长。据香港兴华珍珠有限公 司销售经理周李平指,该公司的总部位于中国浙江,在疫情 后总部的淡水珠生意非常好。她说:“与海外市场相比,内地 客户对淡水珍珠的价格接受度更高,需求量更大。” 浙江辉宝珍珠有限公司专门从事淡水珍珠养殖、加工和 销售。该公司于2008年成立香港兴华珍珠,主要在中国内地 销售珍珠,同时也将珍珠产品远销至欧洲、美国、澳大利亚、 日本、韩国、香港地区和东南亚等主要市场。 在中国市场对珍珠的需求持续增长的同时,消费者的偏 好也显著改变。佳丽珍珠(香港)公司及浙江东方神州珍珠集 团公司董事长兼总经理詹伟建认为,这种变化归因于经济 波动,以及不同的销售渠道崛起,尤其是直播在线销售,改 变了消费者的购买习惯。 佳丽珍珠以推出爱迪生珍珠而闻名,这是一种多彩大颗 粒的淡水珍珠新品类。 詹伟建说:“以前,人们认为珍珠是贵价的奢侈品,适合 中老年女士。现在珍珠设计的款式年轻化,珍珠首饰成为轻 奢品,加上明星带货效应,令它深受年轻女士欢迎。” 詹伟建指包括南洋珍珠、大溪地珍珠、Akoya珍珠,以及 爱迪生珍珠在内的优质珍珠,继续受益于海外和国内奢侈 品市场的稳定消费力。与此同时,中国淡水珍珠也备受青 睐,尤其是3毫米至6毫米的小米珍珠。 ‘Aurora’ rice pearl necklace by Grace Pearl (HK) Co Ltd 佳丽珍珠(香港)公司的极光小米珠项链