PEARL REPORT 2023-2024

PERSPECTIVE 精辟视野 PEARL REPORT | 41 | 2023-2024 All South Sea pearl jewellery pieces by Autore 所有南洋珠首饰均为Autore出品 latest auction held in May 2023 achieved total sales of close to AUD15 million (about US$9.6 million).” Pearl perfection The future is also bright for Autore’s fine jewellery department. Rosario explained that majority of its high-end, bespoke jewellery pieces were sold in 2022 and 2023 postCovid, which contributed positively to overall growth. The pearl specialist is largely known for its award-winning, contemporary pearl jewellery designs. Its pieces have been worn by celebrities in red-carpet events as well as popular TV shows. Rosario said Autore considers “articulation, realistic representation and choice of gemstone” as pillars of its design philosophy. “We focus on fluidity and functionality,” he added. “The jewellery moves as an extension of the body. This is evident in our iconic Ready to Wear Collection as well as our one-ofa-kind creations.” Attention to detail and craftsmanship set every Autore jewellery piece apart from what is in the market now. Its beloved nature-inspired collections feature authentic re-imaginings of flora and fauna and other organic elements, with pearl at the heart of each design. Moving forward, Autore is focusing on developing and expanding its presence in existing markets such as Europe, Asia and Australia through trade fairs, auctions and private sales. It is unveiling a new collection within the year, designed by Autore’s Creative Director Jane Autore, who has won three international jewellery design awards for the company. 随着需求持续飙升,各种品质和形状的南洋白珠在全球 各地大获成功。澳大利亚Autore是南洋珠行业的知名 品牌,对这项发展趋势了如指掌。 首席执行官Rosario Autore表示,过去两年南洋珠的销 量大幅增长,尤其是南洋白珠。产品选择也变得更多样化。 Rosario指出:“市场对非传统形状珍珠的需求不断上 升,令这类珍珠比以往更受欢迎。其中包括非一般的水滴 形、巴洛克形、环状和半水滴形。与此同时,圆形、近乎圆形、 椭圆形和钮扣形珍珠的价格仍然高企。” Autore的珍珠拍卖会、珠宝成品,以及大珠母贝贝壳和 珍珠肉等珍珠副产品,均以亚洲为主要市场。 优势与领导力 过去十年来,Autore积极扩展业务,收购了澳大利亚东 阿纳姆的配额持有者的权利和租赁养殖场地,并在印度尼 西亚建立了另外两个养殖场。 Autore在研发方面也处于领先地位,有助生产色彩及光 泽迷人的优质珍珠。Rosario表示,通过不断改进专业技术, 其养殖场的活珍珠贝数量在过去四年内增加了两倍。Autore 还发现,印度尼西亚和澳大利亚养殖场的优质白珍珠收获 比例也有提升。 “增加产量是最重要的一点,因为它是本公司业务的核 心。”Rosario指出。“然而,新冠疫情所造成的干扰使我们无 法在2022年进行采珠和为珍珠贝播种,因此2024年澳大利 亚的产量将会减少。” Autore将继续实行疫情期间的创新措施,采取传统与在 线并行的混合拍卖模式。 Rosario分享道:“拍卖结果令人非常满意,其清盘率高 于97%至98%。我们在2023年5月举行的最新拍卖会,取得接 近1,500万澳元(约960万美元)的总销售额。” 追求卓越 Autore高级珠宝部门的前景同样一片光明。Rosario表 示,大部分高端定制珠宝均在2022年和2023年疫情结束后 售出,对整体增长作出积极贡献。 这家珍珠专家以屡获殊荣的当代珍珠首饰而闻名,不少 名人明星在红毯上和热门电视节目中都曾佩戴过该品牌的 产品。Rosario称,Autore将“清晰表达理念,真实呈现美态, 精心挑选瑰宝”视为其设计理念的支柱。 “我们专注于流动性和功能性。”他补充道。“珠宝就像 身体的延伸一样。我们的标志性成品首饰系列和独一无二 的作品,都体现了这一点。” 对细节和工艺的无比专注,令每件Autore的作品有别于 市场上的珠宝。大自然系列以珍珠为核心,将动植物和其他 有机元素重新塑造成栩栩如生的杰作,深受客户喜爱。 展望未来,Autore将积极参与贸易展览会、拍卖会和私 人洽购,致力发展和提升在欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚等现有市 场的影响力。该公司将于年内推出新系列,作品由Autore创 意总监Jane Autore设计,她过去为Autore勇夺三项国际珠 宝设计大奖。