PEARL REPORT 2023-2024

PERSPECTIVE 精辟视野 PEARL REPORT | 39 | 2023-2024 It was also during the pandemic that Fukui started incorporating nano technology into the pearl nuclei. Wong explained, “While we still produce pearl nuclei according to traditional standards, nano technology assists in improving post-surgical recovery of pearl oysters. According to pearl farmers that we work with, oyster health and recovery has improved by over 30 per cent.” Environmental and sustainability initiatives alongside continued education, especially in leading pearl markets such as China, likewise gained further steam during challenging times. “Myanmar, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and India are scaling up efforts to produce pearls in their countries,” noted Wong. “They need to be able to tell the pearl’s story compellingly. Metakaku® can help pearl farmers in these countries grow pearls that are uniquely identifiable.” All-around pearls Fukui’s contributions to the pearl trade goes beyond Metakaku®. In recent years, the company has steadily capitalised on the pearl’s exceptional allure to promote local tourism and pearl education. Its pearl ecotourism initiative, which allows members of the public to visit its pearl farm and witness how pearls are cultivated, is instrumental to upholding Hong Kong’s pearl heritage. In the area of education, Fukui regularly receives requests from educational institutions to host sessions for students, especially on sustainable development. Wong also wrote a book on pearls in 2021, which he uses as reference in his talks. From there, he also developed a new educational programme called Sustainable Pearl Education. The programme has four main themes, namely, Pearl culture and heritage; STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education; ecosystems; and sustainable development. “Our business has always been about supporting global pearl cultivators in growing the best pearls,” shared Wong. “We are ready to aid other pearl farmers, specifically in China, Myanmar, India and Thailand, with Metakaku® in building their pearl brands.” Fukui has also signed an agreement with large pearl farmers in French Polynesia and Indonesia in the cultivation of the Metakaku® pearl, revealed Wong. 总部位于香港地区的福井制 核所,在珍珠行业的各个领 域取得长足进步,并以Metakaku® 专利珍珠认证技术赢得全球赞誉。 项目总监王俊杰透露,福井在 2023年6月刚庆祝Metakaku®技术面 世十周年,而这亦是该公司历史上的 重要里程碑。 Metakaku®采用无线射频辨识技术(RFID),将无线数字 标签嵌入珍珠核中,除了可以轻易追溯珍珠的源头和在供应 链上的移动,也赋予每颗珍珠独特的身份和认证其真实性。 经过十年的发展,Metakaku®已得到法属玻里尼西亚、缅 甸、印度尼西亚、日本和中国主要珍珠生产商的垂青。王俊 杰指出:“恢复通关以来,我们一直大力推广Metakaku®,以 满足市场对可追溯性日益增长的需求。现在,不少大型企业 均在养珠时应用Metakaku®技术。” 他补充说,独立珠宝设计师和零售商也窥见Metakaku®珍 珠的潜力,不时将该技术应用于珍珠首饰中。 持续蜕变 王俊杰表示,新冠疫情为珍珠市场带来了颠覆性的变 化,而现代科技正担当关键角色。举个例说,疫情衍生了混 合线上线下形式的珍珠拍卖会,以及采购珍珠和接触终端 消费者的替代方案。 同样,在疫情期间,福井开始将纳米技术融入珍珠核中。 他解释说:“我们仍然按照传统标准生产珍珠核,但纳米技 术有助改善珍珠贝的术后复元。与我们合作的珍珠养殖户 表示,珍珠贝的健康状况和恢复率提升了超过30%。” 在挑战处处的时代,借着推行环境和可持续发展举措, 加上为中国等市场领导者提供持续教育,同样能够增强市 场动力。 “缅甸、泰国、阿联酋和印度多国,现在更积极生产本土 珍珠。”王俊杰指出。“Metakaku®技术可以帮助这些国家的 珍珠养殖者培养可识别的独特珍珠产品。” 多方面发展 福井对珍珠行业的贡献,岂止于Metakaku®技术?近年 来,该公司持续发挥珍珠的独有魅力,以推动本地的旅游业 和珍珠教育。其珍珠生态旅游计划带领公众参观珍珠养殖 场,以及亲眼目睹珍珠的养殖过程,从而维护香港地区的珍 珠遗产。 在教育方面,福井经常受教育机构所托,为学生举办课 程,特别是有关可持续发展范畴。王俊杰还在2021年撰写了 一本关于珍珠的著作,在演讲时参考。其后, 他还制订了名为“永续珍珠教育”的全新 教育计划,当中包括四大主题∶括珍珠 文化及遗产、STEAM(科学、技术、工程、 艺术和数学)教育、生态系统,以及可持 续发展。 “支持全球珍珠养殖者培育最优质的 珍珠,向来是我们的业务重心。”王俊杰说 道。“我们已准备就诸,透过Metakaku® 帮助其他珍珠养殖者建立珍珠品牌, 特别是在中国、缅甸、印度和泰国。” 他还透露,福井与法属玻里尼西亚和 印度尼西亚的大型养殖户,签署了 Metakaku®珍珠养殖协议。 The book on pearls written by Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory Project Director David Wong 由福井制核所项目总监王俊杰撰 写、有关珍珠的著作