INSIGHT 睿智角度 PEARL REPORT | 23 | 2023-2024 All conch pearl images by Ocean Flame 所有海螺珠图片由Ocean Flame提供 “We plan to hike prices by about 15 to 20 per cent in the next two to three years to reflect the pearl’s one-of-a-kind nature,” noted Ternat. “It is difficult to predict at which level or when conchs will mature, but what is certain is that the gap between demand and supply is progressively widening.” Rosy future Ocean Flame continues to develop its conch pearl expertise through innovation and partnerships with local communities and fishermen. Most recently, the company has extended its selection of natural pearls to include the Pinctada and Pteria species, which are known for producing gem-quality pearls. Ternat is filled with optimism when it comes to the future of conch pearls. He said the pink pearl will most likely follow the growth trajectory experienced by other emerging gemstones in the industry. There are three aspects that are worth mentioning, according to Ternat: Consumer education; broadening reach of pearls in Asian markets and other countries; and the conch pearl’s unparalleled exceptionality. Customers have become more knowledgeable and accepting of conch pearls, and this has bolstered unprecedented demand for the gem. Keen interest mostly come from Asian buyers, but conch pearls are also gaining popularity in other markets. And what attracts them the most about conch pearls is their rarity. “We see a bright future for natural pearls in general, conch pearls particularly. Prices are bound to keep rising as conch pearls remain undervalued for the time being,” noted Ternat. “Conch pearls exhibit such a bright and feminine charm that immediately lights up one’s mood. They are happy, beautiful gems.” 海螺珠专家Ocean Flame的东主Bertrand Ternat表示, 多年来海螺珠一直是珠宝和宝石业界的宠儿,而在过 去十年,人们对这种天然粉色瑰宝更加趋之若鹜。 原本属于收藏级别的海螺珠,因其独特的色彩和火焰般 的纹理而备受追捧,如今已成为高级珠宝系列的必选素材。 Ternat透露:“海螺珠现于全球各地拥有更高的曝光率, 原因是珠宝商经常以海螺珠创造出色之作,而拍卖行也不 时成交独一无二的海螺珠首饰。” 终端消费者的需求增加,也带动珠宝商提供不同价位的 产品系列。他补充说,海螺珠是不少珠宝公司库存周转率最 高的商品之一。 亚洲目前是海螺珠的最大市场,其次是北美和欧洲,而 这两个市场的需求在过去五年都翻了一番。此外,中东是目 前发展最快的市场。 尽管需求不断增加,海螺珠的供应其实非常有限。这种 椭圆形的珍珠是由稀有的海生蜗牛——海螺内的纤维晶体 自然形成的,属非珍珠质品种,即是它并非由珍珠质或珍珠 母贝形成。在10,000到15,000枚海螺之中,只有一枚能产出 海螺珠,其中仅10%达到宝石级别。 海螺珠世间罕有,但价格相对稳定。毛坯钻石的2022年 产量预计达到1.175亿克拉,而相比之下,同年海螺珠的产 量仅为约22,000克拉。 “在未来两到三年内,我们计划将价格调高15%到20% 左右,以反映出海螺珠的独特性。”Ternat指出。“我们难以预 料海螺珠市场在哪个水平或何时会步入成熟期,但可以肯定 的是,供需之间的差距正在逐渐扩大。” 粉红色的未来 Ocean Flame通过持续创新,以及与 产地社区和渔民合作,继续精进其海螺 珠业务。最近,该公司也增添了以生产宝 石级珍珠而闻名的Pinctada和Pteria品 种,以扩大天然珍珠的选择范围。 Ternat对海螺珠的未来也深表乐观, 认为它很可能会追随其他新兴宝石的增 长轨迹。 依他所见,有三个方面值得留意︰ 推行消费者教育、在亚洲和其他国家拓 展珍珠市场,以及发挥珍珠出类拔萃的 特质。 顾客对海螺珠的认识和接受程度不 断提升,令需求创下历史新高。海螺珠因 其稀有性而引人注目。亚洲市场现正展 现炽热需求,但它在其他市场的受欢迎 程度也不逊色。 “总括而言,我们预计天然珍珠,特别是海螺珠的前景 将会一片光明。海螺珠现时的价值仍然被低估,因此价格必 然会继续攀升。”Ternat称。“海螺珠绽放明亮迷人的柔美个 性,有提升心情的作用,是象征快乐的美丽瑰宝。”