LGD Special 2022 – Summit Edition

GAME CHANGERS JNA LAB-GROWN DIAMOND SPECIAL 2022 | 14 All images courtesy of Rockrush 照片由Rockrush提供 Rockrush is disrupting the disruptive world of lab-grown diamonds by defying existing limitations of sizes and cuts. Its breakthroughs in the field open up new horizons for the fast-growing category. Rockrush超越实验室培育钻石在尺寸和 切割上的既有限制,在业界大放异彩。种种突破性成就,为这个发展迅速的范畴开拓新领域。 blazes a trail in the lab-grown space Rockrush 培育钻石专家另辟新径 Rockrush is expanding possibilities in the lab-grown diamond sector by filling the gap in the market for bigger, gemquality stones. Smit Virani, director of the Hong Kong-based lab-grown diamond manufacturer, said, “Demand is always healthy for commercial stones from 1 to 5 carats in all shapes and sizes. But there is also a huge pickup for stones of 5 carats and up. This indicates that lab-grown diamonds are developing into a full-fledged jewellery category with countless design possibilities.” Attesting to Rockrush’s capabilities is the 14.60-carat Freedom of India, a VS2 lab-grown diamond in F colour – one of the largest ever produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The company also has special cuts for its lab-grown diamonds, adapting the Optica series of diamond cuts, licensed from diamantaire Hini Star Ltd. Star-inspired Optica Stelo has 91 facets; Rozo, 56 facets; and floral-patterned Floro, 77 facets. “Our initiatives encourage consumers to see things in a different light,” Virani said. “We are opening up a whole new world of lab-grown diamonds to consumers across the globe, offering spectacular gemquality stones with fascinating production stories and enticing new designs.” Rockrush’s colourless Rockrush最近以一颗14.60克拉 的“Freedom of India”实验室培育 钻石展示其技术实力,这颗钻石采用 化学气相沉积(CVD)技术制造,是以 此技术培育的其中一颗最大的钻石, 拥有VS2级别净度及F成色。他们最 近获Hini Star Ltd授权使用其Optica 系列钻石切割技术,为其实验室培育 钻石推出多款独特样式:星型(Stelo) 拥有91个切割面、玫瑰型(Rozo)拥有 56个切割面、花型(Floro)则有77个 切割 V 面 ira 。ni说:“本公司的一系列新猷, 鼓励消费者打破旧有观念。我们旨 在提供至臻完美的宝石级别钻石, 以极致的生产工艺和新颖迷人的设 计为全球消费者开拓培育钻石新天 地。”Rockrush提供D至H成色的无色 钻石,另外也制造多种彩色实验室培 育钻石。 璀璨前景 据Virani所称,实验室培育钻石市 场的按年增长仍然相当显著。北美市 场的需求冠绝全球,而东南亚地区的 消费者接受度亦有所提升。 Virani预期,由于现时产品供不应 求,因此制造量亦会相应大增。他解 释:“市场上将会出现越来越多已打 磨的培育钻石,但是因为新产量可被 需求吸收,所以价格将会保持平稳。” Virani最后补充,Rockrush致力投 放资源进行教育和支持业内生力军, 这点有助消除大众对实验室培育钻 石的误解。 stones come in D to H colours. The company’s production also includes a wide array of fancy colour labgrown diamonds. Bright prospects The market for lab-grown diamonds is growing exponentially year on year, according to Virani. North America leads demand, with consumer acceptance catching on in Southeast Asia as well. Virani thus expects production to soar as demand outstrips supply. “There will be more and more carats of polished lab-grown diamonds entering the marketplace. Prices should remain stable though as there is enough demand to absorb new production,” he explained. Rockrush invests in education and support for new players in the industry to help eradicate misconceptions about lab-grown diamonds, Virani added. Rockrush透过制造尺寸更大、 宝石级别的实验室培育钻石, 以填补市场空白,借此创造独 特地 这位 家。 实验室培育钻石的生产商及 制造商总监Smit Virani指出:“各种 形状和尺寸的1至5克拉商业级别钻 石需求一向稳健,但是5克拉或以上 的钻石,受欢迎程度也大有增长,意 味着实验室培育钻石现正发展成一 个完整的珠宝类别,在设计上拥有无 限可能性。”