市场聚焦 JNA LAB-GROWN DIAMOND SPECIAL 2023 | 9 Rockrush从研发产品、扩展市场、创新技术和消费者 教育方面着手,引领实验室培育钻石(LGD)领域全 速发展。 董事Smit Virani表示,Rockrush窥见市场对LGD钻石 兴趣飙升,因而希望乘着升势,善用丰厚的增长机遇。他指 出:“我们将提供更多样化的LGD产品,包括尺寸更大的钻石 和更精细的设计,预料Rockrush在2023年会更受欢迎,并融 入行业主流。” Rockrush还领头开展消费者教育,并就着购买LGD的好 处及与天然钻石的比较给予相关信息。 Virani补充道:“LGD钻石的生产技术日益进步,也将继续 推动行业革新前进。我们期望LGD钻石的质量和一致性,以 及创造独特颜色和形状的崭新技术方面均有所提升。” could help dispel some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding LGDs and help inspire consumer interest.” Stronger growth Brilliance and beauty that are comparable to natural diamonds alongside low price points and a sustainability element contribute to the unique allure of LGDs. Rising demand for LGDs is driven by more awareness in the market, noted Virani. Buyers also have at their disposal an expansive range of products in terms of size, colour and clarity, making LGDs an attractive choice for today’s consumers. Most sought-after items however vary depending on a company’s target market as well as consumer preferences. In general, Virani said 1-carat to 5-carat stones are more popular among buyers due to their affordability. Meanwhile, round brilliant cuts as well as colourless and near-colourless LGDs remain highly favoured in the trade. With LGDs steadily gaining traction and market acceptance, consumers are likely to continue purchasing LGDs in larger sizes and special cuts offered by Rockrush. “Buyers are always on the lookout for new varieties and differentiation and thus, we still expect sustained positive response,” added Virani. Rockrush has an extensive LGD inventory, which also includes several 30-carat plus stones. 展望未来,他预期Rockrush的业务将稳步强劲发展,其 线上平台在采购优质LGD钻石和LGD教育方面也会发挥关 键作用。 品牌的力量 各大品牌正陆续推出LGD钻石首饰系列,而潘多拉等品 牌现在更以LGD代替天然钻石。Virani表示,这股趋势将从多 方面影响该行业,包括企业之间竞争加剧,而消费者意识及 市场对LGD的认可度则会相继提升。 越来越多业者进驻LGD行业,将会令竞争更加激烈。这 些公司致力从芸芸竞争者中脱颖而出,占领更大的市场份 额,相信会刺激市场对LGD的兴趣和对优质产品的需求。 据Virani解释,售卖LGD首饰的知名品牌将有助“提升行 业认受性”,更容易被社会大众接纳。 “这样会鼓励更多人将LGD视为开采钻石的可行替代 品。”他补充道。“大型品牌拥有充裕的营销和广告预算,可 以预留部分用作教育消费者,从而消除一些有关LGD的偏见 和误解,以及激发消费者的兴趣。” 强劲发展势头 LGD钻石的瑰丽光彩媲美天然钻石,加上实惠的价格和 可持续性元素,造就了其独树一帜的魅力。Virani指出,市场 意识提高能够推动LGD产品需求。琳琅满目的尺寸、颜色和 净度,也令LGD钻石成为极具吸引力的消费选择。 然而,产品的受欢迎程度亦因目标市场和消费者喜好而 有所差别。Virani认为,1克拉到5克拉的LGD钻石因为价格实 惠,一般来说较受买家欢迎。此外,圆形明亮式切工,以及无 色和近乎无色的品种均属长青产品之列。 随着LGD钻石渐受欢迎和获得市场认可,预期消费者将 会购买更大尺寸和拥有花式切工的Rockrush产品。Virani补 充道:“买家不断寻求新颖品种和独特卖点,因此,我们仍然 预期市场会有持续正面的回响。” Rockrush拥有丰富的LGD库存,当中包括一些30克拉以 上的宝石。 All lab-grown diamond jewellery by Rockrush 所有实验室培育钻石首饰均为Rockrush出品