LGD Special 2023

焦点 JNA LAB-GROWN DIAMOND SPECIAL 2023 | 29 throughout the whole diamond industry and maintain an aura of exclusivity, beauty and desirability. Maintaining an aspirational pricing perception for all diamonds is key to unlocking this phenomenon,” she explained. Shining future Industry stakeholders are also bullish on growth prospects for lab-grown diamonds this year and beyond. Smit Virani, director of Rockrush, anticipates stronger demand in the post-pandemic era, particularly among younger consumers who value sustainability and transparency. “Advancements in lab-grown diamond manufacturing technology are likely to continue, resulting in higher-quality and larger diamonds being produced. This could lead to more options for consumers in terms of sizes, colours and cuts,” he added. Indeed, technological advancements are fuelling the quality and varieties of lab-grown diamonds in the market. Bhanderi Lab Grown Diamonds Chairman Ghanshyam Bhanderi cited the significant improvements in the quality of lab-grown diamonds as a major driver of demand. “This has increased consumer confidence in the product and made lab-grown diamonds a viable alternative to mined diamonds,” he said. Their affordable prices also work in the favour of labgrown diamonds. Ghanshyam noted that the substantial price difference between mined and lab-grown diamonds is expected to continue in the future as lab-grown diamond production becomes more efficient and cost-effective. Raj Vaidya, founder of Diamsparkz, agreed that the competitiveness of lab-grown diamonds was a major draw. “With natural diamond prices increasing, lab-grown diamonds have become more affordable for jewellers and end-consumers. As a result, we are confident that we will continue to grow and that consumers and jewellers will opt for lab-grown diamonds over mined diamonds due to their quality and lower prices,” he said. According to Vaidya, lab-grown diamonds performed exceptionally well in 2022, with good sales volumes recorded for both loose diamonds and jewellery. Price corrections at the beginning of 2023 led to a slow start for Diamsparkz but he is upbeat about prospects moving forward. 1.82 carats克拉 Average size of polished lab-grown diamonds sold in the US in March 2023, up from 1.79 carats in February 2023, according to data from market analytics firm Tenoris 根据市场情报公司Tenoris的数据显示,这是2023年3月 在美国售出的已打磨实验室培育钻石平均尺寸, 高于2023年2月的1.79克拉 从多方面来看,消费者由于受到实验室培育钻石和 首饰的可持续发展故事、相对上实惠的价格,以 及在国际间地位提升等因素驱动,对此类产品的 需求正不断增加。 培育钻石类别正在珠宝首饰界稳步开拓利基市场,特别 是目前需求最大的美国。 市场情报公司Tenoris指出,消费者对大型实验室培育 钻石的兴趣日增。钻石行业分析师Edahn Golan在2023年4 月发布的Tenoris报告中指出:“在过去的几年,尤其是自新 冠疫情封锁以来,消费者越来越钟情于实验室培育钻石,并 逐渐远离传统钻石产品。对他们来说,更高的颜色和净度等 级具有非凡吸引力,但大型的实验室培育钻石其实更令他 们着迷。” 根据Tenoris所得出的数字,实验室培育钻石首饰在 2023年3月的美国销量,以数量和价值计算分别同比上升了 57.6%和37.2%。 Golan在报告中提及:“3月份的实验室培育钻石库存增 加了5%。零售商似乎不仅对实验室培育钻石拥有更大的信 心,而且还根据预期销量重新调整采购量。”他并指出,椭圆 形实验室培育钻石的份额持续增加,圆形钻石则相继减少。 平均零售价格也比2月上升了2.4%。Golan将此归因于 需求增加和市场转向更大型的实验室培育钻石。实验室培 育裸钻的平均销售尺寸从2月份的1.79克拉增加至3月份的 1.82克拉。而较大型的实验室培育钻石,尤其是4至5克拉的 销量也正在上升。 据Golan所称,终有一天,美国专门零售商所销售的裸 钻,大部分会是实验室培育钻石。他说:“按照现时的速度, 这将会在几个月内和年底前发生。” 珠宝顾问公司The MVEye亦指出,实验室培育钻石在美 国消费者之间的认受性越来越高。 在一项针对美国消费者2023年情人节礼物喜好的研究 中,该公司指出25%的受访者打算馈赠高级珠宝。几乎所有 珠宝礼物均为镶嵌宝石的种类,38%选择开采钻石,16%选 择实验室培育钻石。在这个受访群组中,女性选择实验室培 育钻石的比率较男性高,分别为28%和8%。 MVEye主席Liz Chatelain表示:“许多女性将实验室培育 钻石首饰视为送礼首选。近年来市场上出现更多产品种类 和价位,让她们有更多机会送赠高级珠宝。” Butterfly pendant with lab-grown diamonds by Vever Vever实验室培育钻石蝴蝶吊坠