COVER STORY JNA LAB-GROWN DIAMOND SPECIAL 2023 | 22 总部设于纽约的Smiling Rocks通过有效地将实验室培育钻石(LGD)重新定位为新兴的奢 华珠宝,再次在LGD业界开辟新天地。Smiling Rocks首席执行官Zulu Ghevriya透露,该公 司希望通过产品创新、市场扩张,以及绿色倡议来实现这一目标。 此外,Smiling Rocks正锐意将公司打造为高端LGD珠宝品牌,并提供设计非凡、创意无限的LGD 珠宝系列,进一步提高LGD在行业内的地位。 Ghevriya分享道:“从第一天起,这就是我们的目标,所有的努力都朝向这一目标。Smiling Rocks 将继续创造瑰丽的设计,以吸引新一代的买家,并在市场上引入新趋势。” 鉴于LGD的需求不断上升,该公司也在积极扩大其零售网络并提升其国际影响力。公司的主要 市场是美国,但是已经在欧洲、日本和韩国成功奠定坚实的客户基础。Ghevriya评论道:“我们的品 牌正在向全球扩张,在2022年底已将零售网络从500多个销售点扩展到的650多个。” 未来珠宝 今年6月,Smiling Rocks将推出20多个具有标志性风格和新设计的新系列。自2019年成立以来, 该公司已成为LGD婚庆珠宝的顶级供应商,并在2022年推出备受追捧的男士订婚戒指系列。 In response, companies must now be accountable for their actions and vigilant in how their products are sourced and manufactured. Smiling Rocks is also leading initiatives on this front. Ghevriya said the company has obtained the coveted Butterfly Mark certification, an independent, globally respected mark of trust awarded by Positive Luxury to luxury brands, retailers and suppliers that meet the highest standards of verified ESG+ (Environmental, Social, Governance and Innovation) performance. Smiling Rocks is also certified by business sustainability ratings provider Ecovadis on its ESG+ framework. Most recently, Smiling Rocks has been certified as an SCS Global Services Accredited Diamond Handler, which means the brand meets all requirements stipulated in SCS-007 Jewelry Sustainability Standard – Sustainably Rated Diamonds protocols. “We remain steadfast in our sustainability agenda as proven by our third-party certifications and audits. Our journey to becoming a sustainable and ethical brand continues,” noted Ghevriya. Smiling Rocks participated in an ocean-cleaning movement in 2022, which it continues to support. So far, the initiative has helped remove more than 30,000 pounds of trash in the sea, in collaboration with US-based 4ocean. This year, the company is in the process of establishing a digital education framework aimed at helping schools that do not have the resources to teach digital literacy to children. Smiling Rocks has established three digital libraries in rural areas in India. The goal is to be able to set up 100 digital libraries in the future. Ghevriya said, “We want children in rural schools and villages to receive the education and training that they need to face an increasingly digital world and ensure a promising future for them and their families.”