LGD Special 2023

市场聚焦 JNA LAB-GROWN DIAMOND SPECIAL 2023 | 13 jewellery. It is also implementing a waste-reduction initiative that requires reusing materials at its factory whenever possible. Even water is recycled, thereby reducing water consumption and reliance on local water resources. The company also uses eco-friendly packaging materials like recycled paper and biodegradable plastic. Carbon-neutral methods are similarly employed in its facilities. “We work tirelessly for a sustainable business that nourishes the people and the planet,” shared Patel. “We harness clean energy using solar power through our 25-megawatt solar and 10-megawatt wind power plants, which run for 365 days without any interruptions.” Greenlab Diamonds works closely with its suppliers to ensure adherence to ethical and sustainable distribution practices. It conducts regular audits and provides transparency in its operations by sharing information on sourcing, manufacturing processes and environmental impact. Committed to a global effort to address climate change, the company has signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It has also been audited and listed in the US Green Building Council LEED rating system for its green building concept. Business growth Patel expects stronger growth in the LGD sector, owing to rising consumer preference for ethical and sustainable jewellery, higher disposable income and increasing awareness about the environmental benefits of LGDs. Technological advancements in production have likewise made LGDs more affordable and accessible. “LGDs also offer more design flexibility than mined diamonds as they can be grown in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours," he continued. The challenge is to continue innovating and developing new technology to modernise processes and improve LGD quality. Patel added, "The sector must likewise keep on educating consumers on the differences between mined and lab-grown diamonds, so they can make informed buying decisions.” 展和消费者购买习惯的转变,也让更多人能够接触和购买 LGD产品。” 除了计划增加LGD产量外,Greenlab Diamonds还致力进 行研发工作,以进一步提升LGD钻石在国际间的地位。 Greenlab Diamonds是2克拉及以上3EX(三优等级)切工 CVD钻石和LGD钻饰的主要供应商。该公司凭借超过50年的 专业钻石生产知识,已从天然钻石业务成功转型至实验室 培育钻石。 可持续发展举措 据Patel所称,可持续发展是Greenlab Diamonds回馈大 自然和修复生态系统的方式,而该公司正处于LGD可持续进 程的核心。 “我们每制造一颗LGD钻石,便会栽种一棵树。”Patel 说。“同样地,我们也通过一连串专业标准和政策,确保生 产程序和供应链尽量减少对环境 的影响。我们不会容许任何洗绿的 行为。” Greenlab Diamonds为新计划投 放资源,让消费者能够回收和重新 打造LGD钻饰。该公司还实施减废 计划,要求辖下的工厂尽可能重复 使用物料。甚至水也得以循环利用, 从而减少用水量和对当地水资源的 依赖。此外,他们还使用环保包装材 料,如再生纸和可生物降解塑料,并 将碳中和策略应用于企业设施中。 “为了建立可持续的业务形式, 我们不遗余力,令人类和地球均受 裨益。”Patel分享道。“我们的25兆 瓦太阳能发电站和10兆瓦风力发电 站,可以连续365天无间断运行,源 源不绝地产生清洁能源。” Greenlab Diamonds与供应商密 切合作,以确保在分销流程上遵守 道德和可持续原则。该公司定期进 行审计,并通过分享采购、生产工序 和对环境影响的信息来提高运营透明度。 为了应对气候变化,他们还签署了《联合国气候变化框 架公约》,承诺减少温室气体排放,借此成为全球力量的一 分子。其绿色建筑概念经过审核后,也被列入美国绿色建筑 委员会LEED评分认证系统。 行业蓬勃发展 Patel预计LGD行业将呈现更强劲的增长势头,原因是消 费者更加推崇合乎道德和可持续原则的珠宝、可支配收入 增加,以及他们对LGD钻石的环境效益逐渐加深认识。生产 技术上的进步,同样使LGD钻石价格更实惠和更容易购买。 他补充:“LGD钻石可以培育成各种形状、尺寸和颜色, 设计灵活性比开采钻石更高。另外,在可追溯性方面,由于 LGD钻石是在实验室中生成,因此可以沿着整个供应链彻 底溯源。” 现在,行业所面对的挑战在于持续创新和开发崭新技 术,令生产流程更现代化和提升LGD钻石的质量。“随着行 业不断发展,消费者将继续选购更符合责任标准的LGD钻 石。此外,行业必须继续就开采钻石和实验室培育钻石之 间的区别向消费者进行教育,帮助他们作出更明智的购买 决定。” 随着消费者的需求显著增加,专注生产实验室培育 钻石(LGD)的Greenlab Diamonds LLP正准备就 绪,迎接更璀璨的行业前景。Greenlab Diamonds 的董事SanketPatel透露,这家总部位于印度的公司积极提 升月产能,以满足预期大增的LGD订单数目。 该公司目前使用化学气相沉积(CVD)技术,每月生产大 约200,000克拉的LGD毛坯钻石。 Patel指出:“行业得到风险资本家和科技公司注入资金, 因而推动了科技创新和LGD钻石的认受性。电子商务的发 Sanket Patel, director of Greenlab Diamonds LLP Greenlab Diamonds LLP董事Sanket Patel