GAME CHANGERS JNA LAB-GROWN DIAMOND SPECIAL 2022 | 26 Spanning three generations of provenjewellerymanufacturing prowess, family-owned Diamspark made a pivotal choice five years ago to shift to lab-grown diamond production. This decision proved both timely and strategic, with major markets such as the US taking a strong interest in the product category. The decision to enter the labgrown diamond space was the brainchild of third-generation owner Raj Vaidya, who joined the family business in 2017. “At the time, lab-grown diamonds were already generating a buzz. It piqued our interest,” revealed Diamspark Vice President Shrey Vaidya. “We did extensive research on this product and saw its potential down the road. With lab-grown diamond awareness on the rise, we were certain that market demand would further strengthen.” Resplendent demand Buyers are currently on the lookout for certified lab-grown diamonds of one carat and up, according to Rakesh Vaidya, father of Raj and Shrey. The market however is increasingly becoming interested in smaller lab-grown diamonds to set in jewellery, especially noncertified stones weighing 0.8mm to 0.50 carat, both High-Pressure, HighTemperature and Chemical Vapor Deposition variants, in EF and GH colours of VVS1 to SI3 clarity grades. 家族珠宝制造企业Diamspark 传承三代,并在五年前开始 生产实验室培育钻石。美国 等主要市场对该类产品兴趣甚殷,证 明这是一个明智的决定。 第三代掌舵人Raj Vaidya在2017 年加入家族企业,而他正是进军培育 钻石领域的倡议者。 Diamspark副主席Shrey Vaidya 透露:“当时,实验室培育钻石已开 始引发业界讨论,并引起了我们的注 意。接着我们对这类产品进行了广泛 的研究,并窥见其潜力。而随着大众 对实验室培育钻石加深认识,我们相 信市场需求亦将进一步巩固。” 需求锐不可当 据Ra j和Sh r e y的父亲Rake sh Vaidya称,不少买家正在搜罗1克拉 及以上的已认证实验室培育钻石。然 而,市场对于用作镶嵌首饰的小型培 育钻石也兴趣日增,尤其是0.8毫米至 0.50克拉的未经认证钻石,当中包括 以高温高压法(HPHT)和化学气相沉 积法(CVD)生成的品种,颜色为E-F和 G-H,净度等级为VVS1至SI3。 现代买家对天然钻石替代品的接 受程度越来越高,令实验室培育钻石 生产商的前景一片光明。 Diamspark持有人Raj指出:“业界 发展蓬勃,潜力非凡。美国是最早接 纳实验室培育钻石的市场之一,其后 不同国家纷纷仿效,为培育钻石制造 商缔造庞大的发展机遇。有了实验室 培育钻石,中产客户便能够以可负担 的价格购买奢华之作。” Diamspark现正计划扩大其实验 室培育钻石的产品组合,添加蓝钻、 黄钻和粉红钻等多种彩钻。该公司还 开始推出培育钻饰产品线,提供的款 式超过2,500种。 Diamspark在纽约、洛杉矶、孟买 和苏拉特设有办事处。 Prospects are bright for labgrown diamond producers asmodern buyers become more receptive to natural diamond alternatives. “It is a growing market. The US is one of the first markets to accept lab-grown diamonds. More and more countries are following suit, and this presents massive growth opportunities for lab-grown diamond manufacturers,” noted Raj, owner of Diamspark. “With lab-grown diamonds, middle-class customers have a chance to afford a luxurious yet affordable item.” Diamspark is planning to expand its lab-grown diamond portfolio to include fancy colour options such as blue, yellow and pink lab-grown diamonds. The company has also started a lab-grown diamond jewellery line with over 2,500 designs. Diamspark now has a presence in New York, Los Angeles, Mumbai and Surat. A seasoned jeweller takes the leap and transitions into the lab-grown diamond business, becoming one of the most successful players in the LGD sector. 一家经验丰富的珠宝商,数年前大举开拓实验室培育钻石业务,现已成为业内最成功的名字之一。 vibrant lab-grown diamond future Diamspark’s 以培育钻石开拓光辉未来