GemsWorld 2025

SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 GEMSWORLD | 39 | 2025 the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA), stated that the impact of China’s economic slowdown alongside geopolitical tensions led to a slight decrease in overall demand, primarily for low-quality rubies. However, there remains solid interest in high- and medium-quality stones, which are in limited supply. Both heated and unheated Burmese rubies are moving well, he noted. The same is true in the auction business as Chinese buyers continue to seek premium rubies, noted Young. “Their vibrant red colour holds a significant place in Chinese culture representing good luck, vitality and prosperity. This perhaps explains their enduring appeal in the Asian market,” he added. Colour is the most critical factor when buying a ruby, with superior-quality gems exhibiting vivid colour saturation. Origin, clarity and size are likewise important, noted Young. Size-wise, Young said rubies over five carats are considered large and extremely rare. At auctions, buyers/collectors typically look for stones starting from a carat, with anything above five carats being regarded as large and scarce. Demand and price Trirotanan said ruby prices are steadily rising, driven by high demand and low supply, particularly for untreated, top-quality stones. Quality also depends on the price range for every company. According to Khunaprapakorn, ruby prices are relatively stable but with notable fluctuations based on quality, origin and market dynamics. “There is a trend toward using higher-quality stones, with customers increasingly opting for smaller sizes or lighter colours rather than larger stones of lower quality,” he added. He also noticed that jewellery manufacturers are purchasing stones for their inventory at a slower pace. Customer preferences regarding type, size and price range remain the same but the quantity of gems purchased at a time has declined, he explained. Gemburi’s clients are from China, India, Japan and Southeast Asia, with additional demand coming from the US and Europe. Khunaprapakorn noted rising demand in emerging markets, particularly in India and Southeast Asia. While the US, China and Europe have traditionally been dominant markets, higher disposable income in emerging regions is driving interest in luxury goods such as rubies. “India, in particular, has a long Ruby from Gemburi Co Ltd Gemburi Co Ltd的红宝石 In 2024, L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewellery Arts, presented “Ruby, Discover the Gemstones” – its first exhibition at Les Jardins Secrets by Van Cleef & Arpels in Singapore. “Ruby is one of the most popular precious stones due to its vibrant colours, rarity, durability and the symbols it holds. What is lesser known about ruby is its natural state and the beauty of inclusions that the public could dive into through this exhibition,” said Olivier Segura, managing director of L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewellery Arts. The exhibition showcased the inner world of rubies through archival documents, rough mineral specimens and micrographic photos by awardwinning photomicrographer and gemmologist Billie Hughes of Lotus Gemology. These were supplemented by a selection of high jewellery creations from the Van Cleef & Arpels Collection, illustrating the marriage between nature’s gift and human creativity. Segura said, “Seeing a precious gemstone from its natural rough state to fine jewellery creations was interesting and intriguing for the public.” Ruby in focus 聚焦红宝石 2024年,L’ÉCOLE珠宝艺术学院亚太区分校假座 新加坡梵克雅宝Les Jardins Secrets珠宝空间首 办“红宝石:探索宝石世界”展览。L’ÉCOLE珠宝 艺术学院亚太区分校董事总经理Olivier Segura 称:“红宝石色彩鲜艳,珍稀耐久,而且富有非凡 的象征意义,是世上最受欢迎的宝石之一。展览期 间,公众可以深入了解一些较鲜为人知的珍贵特 质,例如红宝石的独特内含物和质朴自然之美。” 展品包括档案文件、原石矿物标本和Lotus Gemology获奖显微摄影师兼宝石学家Bi l l ie Hughes所拍摄的显微照片,呈现红宝石的深邃内 在世界。除此之外,观众亦可参观梵克雅宝系列的 精选高级珠宝作品,细赏大自然与人类创造思维 的结合。Segura表示:“公众能够亲眼目睹宝石从 天然原石状态蜕变成高级珠宝作品,是一个引人 入胜的宝贵体验。” L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewellery Arts’ “Ruby, Discover the Gemstones” exhibition, its first at Les Jardins Secrets by Van Cleef & Arpels in Singapore L’ÉCOLE珠宝艺术学院亚太区 分校的“红宝石:探索宝石世界”展览,首次在新加坡梵克雅宝Les Jardins Secrets珠宝空间举行