GemsWorld 2025

INSIGHT 精辟洞见 GEMSWORLD | 18 | 2025 Fine calibrated coloured gemstones remain in high demand, with the market perennially on the lookout for these precious gems, according to Li Chongjie, CEO of China Stone. The Thailand-based company specialises in extremely precise, machine-cut coloured gemstones ranging primarily from 0.6mm to 3mm. It uses advanced digital engineering and state-of-the-art cutting technology to guarantee symmetry and uniformity in size and shape. China Stone’s customer base consists mainly of international jewellery and watch brands. Li said this client mix yields regular orders since brands require a steady and consistent supply of coloured gemstones for their production needs. Demand for calibrated sizes was thus stable in 2024, with stones in the 0.8mm to 2mm category performing particularly well. Clients gravitated mostly towards red, pink, green and blue coloured gemstones, Li added. Market conditions But while demand for good-quality calibrated stones will always be robust, supply is another matter altogether. Li considers the shortage of suitable rough gemstones as the main challenge facing the business. He explained, “Supply of good-quality rough is always limited. Our ability to produce the high-precision calibrated gemstones we are known for is largely dependent on securing the necessary raw materials. Prices inevitably reflect sourcing challenges.” Meanwhile, stricter regulatory frameworks and evolving consumer preferences are prompting heightened scrutiny of sustainability credentials. “The one major trend we observed in the past year is the market’s growing insistence on working with and purchasing from responsible sources. This development necessitates full disclosure and proper declaration of origins and sourcing processes,” Li shared. “We have been delivers high-quality calibrated gemstones China Stone China Stone呈献优质标准尺寸宝石 China Stone is banking on the market’s insatiable appetite for calibrated sizes to sustain business while aligning with sustainability principles and technological advancements to fuel growth. China Stone受惠于市场对标准尺寸宝石的殷切渴求,同时推动 可持续发展和先进技术,使业务欣欣向荣。