GEMSWORLD | 30 | 2024 SHOWCASE 精品荟萃 1 4 1) Mexican fire opal from Emil Weiss; 2) Orange sapphire from Constantin Wild; 3) Cocktail ring from Buccellati’s Macri Collection; 4) Sri Lankan Padparadscha sapphire from Punsiri Gems 1) Emil Weiss的墨西哥火欧泊; 2) Constantin Wild橘色蓝宝石; 3) 布契拉提Macri系列鸡尾酒戒指; 4) Punsiri Gems的斯里兰卡帕帕拉恰蓝宝石 The perpetual warmth of peach 温暖柔和的蜜桃色调 2 3