GemsWorld 2025

DIGEST 市场指标 GEMSWORLD | 8 | 2025 Weight in carats of the rubellite centre stone in the Chryseis necklace from Cartier’s Nature Sauvage High Jewellery Collection. This exquisite gem reigns in majesty in the butterfly-inspired necklace, which replicates the black-and-white patterns of butterfly wings through onyx and diamonds while using chrysoprase beads to structure the piece. The design also revisits the emblematic red-green-black trio that is symbolic of the Maison. Weight in carats of a Paraiba-type tourmaline pendant necklace with diamonds by Kat Florence, which was sold at Bonhams’ Hong Kong Jewels auction on November 28, 2024. The piece features an exceptional-quality oval Mozambique Paraiba-type tourmaline of natural greenish-blue colour set on a necklace pavé-set throughout with 16.28 carats of brilliant-cut diamonds. The necklace sold for HK$4.19 million (around US$539,530) – almost three times the pre-sale estimate of HK$1.5 million to HK$2.5 million (approximately US$192,919 to US$321,531). 卡地亚Nature Sauvage高级珠宝系列Chryseis项链的主石——红碧玺的重 量。这条项链的灵感来自蝴蝶,翅膀上的黑白斑点以黑玛瑙和钻石呈现,并 与绿玉髓圆珠互相辉映,重新演译「红、绿、黑」品牌经典配色组合。 于2024年11月28日在中国香港邦瀚斯珠宝拍卖会上呈献的Kat Florence镶钻吊坠项链 的主石——帕拉伊巴碧玺的重量。这颗品质卓越的椭圆形莫桑比克帕拉伊巴碧玺,呈天 然绿蓝色,缀以共重约16.28克拉明亮式切割密镶钻石。项链以419万港元(约539,530 美元)成交,几乎是售前估价150万至250万港元(约192,919至321,531美元)的三倍。 克拉 63.76 carats 126.25 carats克拉 The Chryseis Necklace from Cartier’s Nature Sauvage High Jewellery Collection 卡地亚Nature Sauvage高级珠 宝系列的Chryseis项链 The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) started to offer filler identification with its emerald reports from December 15, 2024, citing the industry’s interest in more information about the nature of such treatments. If there is filler present, the report offers one of the following conclusions: Filler Type: A (may include oil, wax and/or natural resin); Filler Type: B (artificial resin); and the clarity enhancing material present cannot currently be identified. Record-breaking average price per carat of mixedquality rubies at Gemfields’ rough ruby auction held from November 25 to December 11, 2024. The auction generated total revenues of US$46.2 million. “These results reaffirm the stability of demand for Gemfields' rubies, with prices for fine quality aligning well with the limited supply of these rare and precious gemstones,” said Gemfields. GIA美国宝石研究院于2024年12月15日起,在其 祖母绿报告中提供填充物鉴定服务,回应业界希 望获得更多有关此类宝石处理信息的诉求。如果 宝石中存在填充物,报告将提供以下其中一项结 论:填充物类型:A(可能包含油、蜡和/或天然树 脂);填充物类型:B(人造树脂);目前无法确定所 含的透明度增强材料。 在2024年11月25日至12月11日举行的Gemfields红宝石 原石拍卖会上,混合品质红宝石的每克拉平均价格新纪 录。该拍卖录得4,620万美元的总收入。Gemfields表示: “拍卖会取得的丰硕成果重申了市场对Gemfields红宝 石的需求稳定,优质红宝石的价格与这些珍稀宝石有限 的供应量相对应。” US$321.94 Emerald Report 祖母绿报告 美元 126.25-carat Paraiba-type tourmaline pendant necklace with diamonds by Kat Florence的126.25克拉帕拉伊巴碧玺镶钻 吊坠项链 Photo credit图片来源: Bonhams Rough rubies 红宝石原石 Photo credit 图片来源: Gemfields