GemsWorld 2025

SPOTLIGHT 市场聚焦 GEMSWORLD | 36 | 2025 钻石行业面临重重困难的情况下,彩色宝石正成为一种 具吸引力的替代品。泰国Navneet Gems and Minerals Ltd营 销经理Navneet Agarwal表示,钻石买家进入宝石市场对利 润率带来一定影响。 他解释说:“宝石供应减少的同时,买家需求持续增加, 最终导致价格上涨,有些客户不愿意接受每年价格上涨的 事实。” 斯里兰卡宝石贸易商Safaiyers的负责人Safraz Jabir表 示,斯里兰卡采矿业的挑战日益加剧,导致采购困难和蓝宝 石产量下降。 他指出:“当宝石供应不足时,市场发展减速也会拖慢生 产。可是,这种平衡状态实际上是有利的。当供应增加时,需 求和价格往往会下跌。目前市场活动和矿产量之间存在一 定的关联。” 斯里兰卡在2024年9月举行总统选举后,行业受到高通 胀和生活成本上升的明显影响。Jabir表示,越来越多人前往 斯里兰卡采购宝石,进一步提升该国作为宝石交易中心的 声誉。不过,发现优质宝石的难度却越来越高。 矿场之间的竞争也相当激烈。“众多买家都在追求最上 乘的宝石,但只有少数顶级出品可供选择,因此选择非常有 限,采购也难上加难。”Jabir续称。因此,定价因素变得更加 复雜,优质宝石也日渐稀缺。 澳大利亚蓝宝石 如今,蓝宝石商人窥见澳大利亚出品的潜力。Navneet Gems的Agarwal指出,世界其他地方的采矿条件存在未知 性,但澳大利亚则以透明度高见称,这对买家来说很重要。 Navneet Gems现在从矿商Fura Gems采购合乎责任和 道德标准的澳大利亚蓝宝石。 Agarwal表示,Fura Gems拍卖会的成交价不断上涨,而 由于劳动力持续短缺和运营成本上升,令利润率收窄,经销 商正在适应新的市场状况。 传统上,澳大利亚蓝宝石被认为是价格实惠的替代品, 并以独特的蓝绿色和深蓝色调而闻名,在定价和供应方面 提供了更大的灵活性,对于寻求独特色调的买家来说别具 吸引力。 艳丽明亮的蓝色蓝宝石是世界上最备受推崇的彩 色宝石之一。市面上的蓝宝石色彩琳琅满目,有 日落黄、薰衣草紫到玫瑰粉红不等,但经典的天 蓝色始终最举世渴求。 蓝宝石的主要开采地为斯里兰卡、缅甸、澳大利亚、美国 蒙大拿州,还有非洲的坦桑尼亚、马达加斯加、肯尼亚、莫桑 比克和埃塞俄比亚。 市场概况 尽管经济和地缘政治的不确定性令全球宝石和珠宝市 场波动,但目前蓝色蓝宝石的前景似乎保持稳定。美国宝石 商B&B Fine Gems的副主席Dave Bindra表示,过去两年市场 空前增长,纵使如今价格阻力终于出现,但优质未经加热蓝 宝石的需求仍然势不可当。 此外,所有颜色类别的优质蓝宝石原石和抛光蓝宝石的 供应亦有限。主要买家来自欧美、泰国、斯里兰卡和中国。原 产地虽然是考虑因素之一,但目前流通的大多数蓝宝石都 是产自斯里兰卡或马达加斯加,两者之间的价值差别不大。 “然而,要找到市场上前5%的珍品才是最大的挑 战。”Bindra透露。“现今的供应量处于史上最低水平,许多新 买家亦从波动的钻石市场进入蓝宝石领域,令源头竞争前 所未有地激烈。” Popular shapes and cuts The choice of cuts varies depending on specific customer needs and preferences. Traditionally, oval mixed cut and cushion cut across all colours are extremely favoured. Jabir remarked, “Many designers opt for drop shapes to create necklaces and other jewellery pieces. Diamond companies and brands are also using coloured stones more and more instead of diamonds, which is a positive trend for us." For Agarwal, more traditional elongated shapes, baguettes, marquises, ovals and classic round cuts are all-time favourites and are readily available. Suppliers have ample stock of these stones, hence they are on the lookout for shapes that are harder to come by, he added. Agarwal is also experimenting with hexagon shapes. “The biggest challenge with hexagon shapes is the production process as these require highly skilled labour to calibrate each piece accurately, ensuring consistency in sizes and angles,” he noted. Optimism for the future Traders remain positive about the sapphire market, buoyed by the overall strength of the coloured gemstone industry. “Colour is becoming increasingly popular, and retailers are actively promoting it. In my opinion, colour is one of the most promising niches in the jewellery world right now,” noted Zabihi. For his part, Agarwal said even major stores in the US, which rarely featured coloured stones 10 years ago, are now showcasing a variety of coloured gem collections. “Currently, buyers are testing the waters, evaluating samples and making initial purchases, with some investing substantial amounts in coloured gemstones. While majority of them are conservative, their cautious approach is already benefiting the coloured gemstone market,” stated Agarwal. Blue and fancy sapphires from Safaiyers Safaiyers的蓝色蓝宝石和彩色蓝宝石