GemsWorld 2025

INSIGHT 精辟洞见 GEMSWORLD | 23 | 2025 ICA GemLab is boosting its AI-powered services ICA | GemLab致力提升其人工智慧服务 ICA GemLab COO Amira Hatta ICA | GemLab 首席运营官Amira Hatta and hone our precision, enabling us to trace gemstones to specific mines.” This could also result in faster, more affordable and increasingly mobile services catering to a more expansive international market. ICA GemLab’s software currently has a 97 per cent accuracy rate for rubies from eight locations. “We hope to continue developing and improving our services through technology and innovation,” added Hatta. 2024 and 2025 ICA GemLab recorded a high volume of gemstones sent to its facility for testing in 2024. Among the main treatments it detected were beryllium and titanium diffusion, borax treatments and glass-filling. Its origindetermination services were likewise high in demand. In 2025 and onwards, ICA GemLab will continue to provide services that meet the progressively sophisticated needs of today’s consumers. Hatta said, “We will continue to push ourselves towards creating the most transparent, ethical and affordable reports possible, helping grow and build trust within the industry. Most importantly, we want to make knowledge and education more accessible to a wider range of customers.” Several exciting projects are likewise in the offing over the coming years. While retaining its main operations in Thailand, it will continue to break new ground in gemmological research and through GAIA Scientific. ICA GemLab will also introduce new educational initiatives in collaboration with renowned industry experts – all the while remaining dedicated to its mission of promoting transparency and responsibility within the gemstone and jewellery trade, explained Hatta. 为了满足宝石和珠宝行业对可追溯性的殷切需 求,ICA GemLab在技术、研究和教育领域上加强 投资,其核心策略是利用人工智慧(AI)进行分级 和确定原产地,并提供更有效率、更易于存取和携帶的宝石 报告。 ICA | GemLab首席运营官Amira Hatta表示,消费者教育 对于推进这项核心目标同样重要。 创新成就 最近,ICA GemLab的全新“Enfold鉴定报告”、“Enfold 鉴定及原产地报告”,以及“彩色宝石轮盘色谱”相继面 世。Hatta指“Enfold鉴定报告”价格实惠,因此深受市场欢迎。 此外,其商务便携卡以更轻巧的设计储存报告资料,为 业者提供了极大方便;而采用三折式设计的Enfold报告,则 以更美观的方式呈现更详尽的资料。 该鉴定所也免费提供了轮盘色谱,旨在透过有趣的产品 来提高市场参与度,从而激发人们对彩色宝石的兴趣。 “我们正在计划推行崭新的服务。”Hatta分享道。“其中 包括应用全新的机器学习软件,以更快捷的速度确定宝石 的原产地。” Hatta指出,ICA | GemLab的客户对原产地鉴定服务趋 之若鹜,证明业界更加重视从矿场到市场的可追溯性。过去 几年,ICA | GemLab也通其新公司GAIA Scientific探索发展 领域。它的诞生,将对鉴定所的未来增长发挥关键的作用。 她指出:“GAIA持续开发人工智慧和机器学习软件,以进 一步增强我们的原产地鉴定服务。该软件的资料库和处理 功能将提升我们的覆盖范围和精确度,有助成功追踪每颗 宝石到特定的矿场。” 同时,这意味着ICA | GemLab将提供更快捷实惠且移动 性高的服务,以满足国际市场的需求。目前,该公司的软件 覆盖八个原产地的红宝石,检测准确度高达97%。 “我们希望借着创新技术,继续开发和优化服务。” Hatta补充道。 回顾与前瞻 ICA | GemLab在2024年为大量宝石进行了鉴定,期间检 测到不同的处理方式,包括铍和钛扩散、硼砂添加剂热处理 和玻璃填充法。其原产地鉴定服务同样需求甚高。 展望2025年,ICA | GemLab将延续使命,以迎合当今消费 者日益繁复的需求。Hatta表示:“我们将继续推出透明度最 高、最合乎道德且价格易于负担的报告,协助行业建立信任。 最重要的是让更广大的客户汲取新知识和接受相关教育。” 未来数年,还有几个项目将会陆续出台。鉴定所在运营 泰国核心业务的同时,将透过GAIA Scientific在宝石学研究 领域不断前进。 Hatta指出,ICA | GemLab将与知名行业专家合作推出教 育计划,同时在促进行业透明度和社会责任方面全力以赴。