GemsWorld 2025

INSIGHT 精辟洞见 GEMSWORLD | 21 | 2025 Demand for certified, high-quality gems like rubies, sapphires and emeralds remains strong. This shift is evident in consistent sales growth as buyers continue to value the uniqueness and enduring appeal of these stones. – Ashish Dangayach, managing director, Color Jewels All gemstone and jewellery pieces by Color Jewels 所有宝石和首饰均由Color Jewels提供 Ruby ring 红宝石戒指 and vivid colours, these gems are figuring more prominently in modern jewellery designs, making them highly sought after by collectors and luxury buyers,” he continued. Dangayach noted that consumers are becoming more adventurous in exploring non-traditional gemstones such as Paraiba tourmaline, Mahenge spinel and aquamarine due to their growing preference for unique gems. However, the so-called Big Three in the gemstone world – rubies, sapphires and emeralds – will remain extremely favoured for their timeless appeal. More knowledgeable and discerning buyers now place greater emphasis on factors such as origin, certification and ethical sourcing when making purchases. The market’s growing penchant for top-tier gemstones and heightened transparency in the trade is reshaping the gemstone business, noted Dangayach. “Uncertainties in the diamond market have also led to more buyers considering coloured gems as an alternative, both as an investment tool and a luxury purchase,” he added. “From my observation, demand for certified, high-quality gems like rubies, sapphires and emeralds remains strong. This shift is evident in consistent sales growth as buyers continue to value the uniqueness and enduring appeal of these stones.” While macroeconomic and political instability may affect luxury spending in 2025, Dangayach expects demand for coloured gemstones to power through, driven by the gems’ inherent charisma and value. How to address dwindling supply of top-of-the-range gemstones, particularly the Big Three, will be the main challenge in 2025. “However, there is a clear opportunity to cater to an informed consumer base by focusing on certified and responsibly sourced gems that align with evolving market preferences,” said Dangayach. 中国香港宝石商及高级珠宝商Color Jewels窥见市 场对优质宝石和现代珠宝设计的殷切需求,就以 此作为2025年发展计划的基础。 ColorJewels执行总监Ashish Dangayach表示,观乎 2024年市场对缅甸蓝宝石、红宝石和哥伦比亚祖母绿等经 典宝石需求持续,证明了优质宝石依然备受推崇。 “虽然粉红色蓝宝石、莫桑比克帕拉伊巴碧玺和马亨格 尖晶石等宝石深受欢迎,其吸引力仍未超越传统宝石。”他 解释道。 去年,欧亚市场是Color Jewels的业务增长动力,消费者 对宝石认证和原产地的认识日渐提升,收藏家和经销商也 对此展现浓厚兴趣。 同时,在需求稳定和供应紧张的情况下,缅甸红蓝宝石 和哥伦比亚祖母绿的价格节节上升。Dangayach表示:“尽管 难以提供确实数字,但价格上涨已反映出这些宝石越来越 受欢迎,采购优质品种的难度与日俱增。” 蒸蒸日上 有关Color Jewels 2025年的发展大计,他们将会专注采 购高端宝石,以进一步增加库存來满足强劲的市场需求,还 会呈献更富现代感的高级珠宝系列。今年的另一个关键策 略就是扩大在亚洲和欧洲等主要市场的影响力,并制定行 销计划,以推广其独特的产品和高超工艺。 Dangayach表示,粉红色蓝宝石、帕帕拉恰蓝宝石、莫桑 比克帕拉伊巴碧玺,以及马亨格尖晶石魅力非凡,在2025年 有望人气再度升温。他说:“这些宝石的稀有度高而色彩鲜 豔,在现代珠宝设计中越来越被重用,深受到收藏家和奢侈 品买家的追捧。” 他指出,现今消费者追求独一无二的非传统宝石,如帕 拉伊巴碧玺、马亨格尖晶石和海蓝宝石等。 然而,素有三大宝石之称的红宝石、蓝宝石和祖母绿,仍 然具备永恆的吸引力。见识广博且眼光敏锐的现代买家,在 购买时会更加重视原产地、认证和道德采购等范畴。 Dangayach指出,市场对顶级宝石的喜好有增无减,加上 行业透明度日渐提升,正在创造一番新气象。 “钻石市场的不确定性也令更多买家考虑将彩色宝石视 为替代品,作为投资工具和奢侈藏品。”他补充道。“根据我的 观察,经过认证的优质红宝石、蓝宝石和祖母绿的需求仍然 旺盛。买家继续珍视其独特性和恆久魅力,销售持续增长。” 宏观经济和政局不稳可能会影响2025年的奢侈品消费, 但Dangayach预计,在宝石固有的魅力和价值的推动下,需 求将会保持高企。如何应对三大宝石等顶级宝石供应减少 的问题,将会是2025年的主要挑战。Dangayach表示:“随着 市场喜好不断变化,经过认证的责任采购宝石,显然是迎合 精明消费者的关键。”