GemsWorld 2025

INSIGHT 精辟洞见 GEMSWORLD | 19 | 2025 All coloured gemstones from China Stone 所有彩色宝石均为China Stone产品 adhering to sustainability principles and regulations from the onset, so such requirements do not pose any difficulties for us.” He pointed out that China Stone provides clients with a transparent and sustainable supply chain. Moreover, it adopted a solar energy system at its production facility in 2023 to significantly reduce carbon emissions. Enhancements Business for China Stone is likely to stay on an even keel in 2025 and beyond, said Li. Jewellery and watch businesses need raw materials to operate, and calibrated sizes are often an integral part of designs and collections. “We have no intention of increasing our production capacity this year. Our focus is on expanding our product portfolio to start offering coloured gemstones that are not currently in our inventory as well as developing and providing more intricate cuts,” he disclosed. In addition, China Stone is continually enhancing its technological capabilities for more effective and precise production while developing an online chat interface for seamless customer service and orders. These measures are all designed to cement China Stone’s reputation in the market as a reliable and leading supplier of high-precision cut coloured gemstones. The company was established in 1997 to provide the market with exceptional coloured gemstones. At the turn of the millennium, it pioneered precise and automated machine-cut calibration and steadily built its name and staked its reputation on delivering calibrated natural gemstones with high standards in size, cut, clarity and colour sorting. Today, China Stone has 300 employees across five locations. Headquartered in Bangkok, it maintains branches and business partners in China, the US, Italy and Switzerland to service local customers. “All our efforts are geared towards market recognition as a trusted, innovative and consistent source of precisioncut natural gemstones, and this continues to be our mission to this day and moving forward,” Li asserted. “据观察所得,去年的趋势之一是市场更重视与责任供 应商合作和进行采购,因此相关企业必须充分并准确披露 原产地和采购流程。我们向来严格遵守可持续发展原则和 法规,所以并没有遇上任何困难。”他分享道。 他表示,China Stone致力为客户提供透明度高且可持 续的供应链,亦从2023年起应用太阳能系统,以大幅减少碳 排放。 尽管市场对优质标准尺寸宝石的需求维持强劲,原石却 供不应求。李崇杰认为,原石短缺是行业面临的重大挑战。 他解释说:“优质原石的供应始终有限。我们以生产高精 度标准尺寸宝石而闻名,而产量很大程度上取决于所需的 原材料。成品价格无疑反映出采购上的挑战。” 优化实力 李崇杰预计,China Stone的业务在2025年及以后将保 持平稳。他指出,珠宝和手表企业需要充足的原材料来维 持运营,而标准尺寸宝石通常是设计系列中不可或缺的一 部分。 “我们今年不打算增加产能,反之将专心一意地扩大产 品组合,以提供新颖的宝石种类,以及开发更复杂的切割样 式。”他透露。 China Stone也不断提升技术,以实现效率更高且更精确 的生产流程,同时开发线上聊天介面,令客户服务和下订单 更加便利。 一系列举措旨在巩固China Stone作为可靠、优越的高精 度切割彩宝供应商的声誉。 该公司成立于1997年,致力为市场提供优质的彩色宝 石,并在2000年之交开创了精确机器切割技术,无论在尺 寸、切割、净度和颜色分类方面均达至极高水平,逐步成为 标准尺寸天然宝石领域的翘楚。 如今该公司拥有300名员工,业务遍及五个地点,总部位 于曼谷,并在中国、美国、意大利和瑞士设有分公司和业务 合作伙伴,为当地客户提供服务。 李崇杰强调:“我们努力取得市场认可,成为值得信赖、 创新且品质稳定的精密切割天然宝石供应商。我们一直谨 守使命,并将继续迈步向前。” China Stone首席执行官李崇杰表示,品质超卓的标 准尺寸彩色宝石长期受到市场追捧,需求至今依 然强劲。 这家泰国宝石供应商专门生产高精度机器切割彩色宝 石,尺寸主要为0.6毫米至3毫米。其先进的数字工程和切割 技术,能够统一宝石的尺寸、形状和对称度。 China Stone的客户主要为国际珠宝和手表品牌。李崇杰 指出,这些客户有赖持续的宝石供应来满足其生产需求,订 单量一直保持稳定。 因此,该公司在2024年的标准尺寸宝石需求稳健,其中 0.8毫米至2毫米类别表现尤其出色。他补充说,其客户倾向 采购红色、粉色、绿色和蓝色宝石。 市场状况 随着监管框架更趋严格和消费者喜好不断变化,也促使 业者更仔细审视供应商在可持续方面的资历。