市场指标 GEMSWORLD | 9 | 2023 The number of gem and jewellery items currently uploaded to the Provenance Proof Blockchain – the first comprehensive and fully functional blockchain dedicated to the gem and jewellery sector. Built and operated by sustainability start-ups Provenance Proof and Everledger, it provides a digital, decentralised ledger based on blockchain technology that traces gems from mine to end-consumer. To date, over 500 professional users have joined the initiative, including more than 120 jewellers and manufacturers. Weight in carats of the largest gem-quality ruby ever discovered in Mozambique by Dubai-based Fura Gems Inc. Named ‘Estrela de Fura,’ the extremely rare, vivid red rough gem is a historic find and places Mozambique in the spotlight as a source of premium-quality rubies, with some of the finest gems equalling their Burmese counterparts in beauty and rarity. According to Fura Gems, the ruby, whose Portuguese name translates to Star of Fura, is unrivalled, thanks to its extremely rare vivid red hue, fluorescence and clarity. Origin of the largest sapphire aggregate ever unearthed, according to Guinness World Records. Weighing 503.2 kg (1109 lbs and 5.86 oz), the ‘Serendipity Sapphire’ was found by Ashan Pavithra Gamage in a village south of the major gemstone trading centre of Ratnapura in Sri Lanka. It officially became a Guinness World-Records holder in Zurich, Switzerland on February 11, 2022. 上传到原产地证明区块链(Provenance Proof Blockchain)的宝石和珠宝 信息数量。这是首个针对宝石和珠宝行业的综合且功能齐全的区块链。 这个在线平台由可持续发展初创企业Provenance Proof和Everledger共 同构建和运营,提供以区块链技术为基础的数字化及去中心化分类账, 可追溯宝石从矿区至终端消费者的整个过程。迄今为止,已有超过500名 专业用户参与,其中包括120多家珠宝商和制造商。 迪拜的Fura Gems Inc.在莫桑比克发现的最大颗宝石级红宝石的重量。这颗极 为罕见、鲜艳的红色原石被命名为"Estrela de Fura",这项历史性的发现使莫 桑比克被视为优质红宝石的产地,其中一些最优质的宝石,在美丽和稀有度 方面可媲美来自缅甸的同类宝石。据Fura Gems公司称,这颗红宝石的葡萄 牙语名字翻译为"Fura之星",因其极为稀有的鲜艳红色色彩、荧光和净度,被 形容为"无与伦比"。 根据吉尼斯世界纪录大全, 有史以来最大型出土蓝宝石晶 簇群的产地。这块重503.2公斤 (1,109磅5.86盎司)的蓝宝石 名为“奇缘蓝宝”(Serendipity Sapphire),由Ashan Pavithra Gamage在斯里兰卡主要宝石 交易中心Ratnapura市以南的一 条村庄发现,并在2022年2月11 日在瑞士苏黎世正式纳入吉尼 斯世界纪录。 约400万 Around 4M 101 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka ‘Estrela de Fura’ ruby Estrela de Fura 红宝石